Arthur Schlesinger, Jr, a Zionist “handler” and speechwriter for Bill Clinton and many other high profile American politicians, casually states:
“We are not going to achieve a new world order without paying for it in blood as well as in words and money.”
The comment is published in the July/August issue of Foreign Affairs which is published by the Council on Foreign Relations.
As efforts continue to gradually erode these rights and vastly expand Federal powers, the Omnibus Counterterrorism Act of 1995 is introduced to Congress by Zionists Joe Biden and Tom Daschle (Meier), co-sponsored by a list of Zionist-owned Senators including Dianne Feinstein, Herb Kohl, Arlen Specter, and in the House of Representatives, by Chuck Schumer.
As the famed Zionist James Paul Warburg had stated in 1950:
“We shall have World Government, whether or not we like it. The only question is whether World Government will be achieved by conquest or consent.”
Anytime a nation withholds its consent, the next step is conquest.
The Federal Building Oklahoma City is bombed, killing 168 people and destroying much of the building.
The attack looks strikingly similar to the 1993 World Trade Center bombing. In both cases, the Zionist press claims a Ryder truck full of explosives was parked at the base of the building and detonated.
Two men are presented to the public as the alleged perpetrators, Timothy Mcveigh and Terry Nichols.
Although the story makes no sense, since the men would have everything to lose and zero to gain by carrying out such an attack, and although the timing is extraordinarily convenient for the Zionist bill in Congress, and even as overwhelming evidence emerges that the story is false, the press sticks with this version of events.
During Mcveigh’s his trial, Mcveigh’s attorneys state that he was “the designated patsy” who was lured into the situation as part of a much larger conspiracy of which Mcveigh was not the orchestrator.
Mcveigh is convicted during a sham trial, and later executed.
The event is used by the press to portray legal gun owners as a danger, and patriots as terrorists.
A small portion of the overwhelming evidence of the CIA false flag can be seen here.
The false flag event is used by the press to attack “patriots” and portray them as “terrorists” and a “threat” that must be “dealt with,” and to allow much greater government infringement on civil liberties, under the guise of “protection.”
An article entitled Defense Memo Warned of Israeli Spying published in the Washington Post on January 30, 1996 reveals that Israel is, by the far the nation that poses the greatest threat to the United States on earth. It states:
“A Defense Department security office issued a confidential warning to many military contractors in October that the Israeli government was “aggressively” trying to steal U.S. military and intelligence secrets, partly by using its “strong ethnic ties” to the United States to recruit spies…
The warning which described Israel as a “non-traditional adversary” in the world of espionage, was circulated by the Defense Investigative Service….
“Israel aggressively collects [U.S.] military and industrial technology” including spy satellite data, missile defense information, and data on military aircraft, tanks, missile boats, and radars….
“It is obvious that there is far more economic and industrial spying than was previously suspected,” said the memo, which Pentagon officials said was drafted by an industrial security specialist at the Defense Investigative Service office in Syracuse N.Y. and sent to 250 facilities in that region conducting classified military work.
“Placing Israeli nationals in key industries… is a technique utilized with great success”
Predictably, a response from the one of the Zionist secret police organizations, B’nai B’rith responds with the standard cries of “racist.” (changing the subject.) Of course, no evidence of racism is provided. The article notes:
“The warning nonetheless provoked a vigorous protest yesterday by the Anti-Defamation League of Bnai Brith, a prominent Jewish organization which made the matter public and called on the Pentagon to conduct an internal investigation. “This is a distressing charge which impugns American Jews and borders on anti-Semitism,” said ADL Director [and pedophile] Abraham H. Foxman in a letter to Defense Secretary William J. Perry.”
Also predictably, the U.S. government bows to its Zionist owners and declares that never again shall such an exposure of Israeli crimes take place:
“‘Assistant Secretary of Defense Emmett Paige Jr., who has responsibility for military intelligence matters, replied in a letter to Foxman yesterday that “‘the content of this document does not reflect the official position of the Department of Defense….
We have instructed appropriate personnel that similar documents will not be produced in the future.'”
Paige declined further comment but a Pentagon spokesperson said that no further inquiry was likely.”
A 1996 Office of Naval Intelligence document entitled Worldwide Challenges to Naval Strike Warfare states:
“US technology has been acquired [by China] through Israel in the form of the Lavi fighter and possibly SAM [surface-to-air] missile technology.”
Jane’s Defense Weekly on February 28, 1996 states:
“Until now, the intelligence community has not openly confirmed the transfer of US technology to China….This represents a dramatic step forward for Chinese military aviation.”
When the Israeli government learns of the indictment, they assist Morel with escaping to Israel. When Poland twice requests to extradite him, they are denied and told the charges against Morel are simply an “Anti-Semitic plot.” Morel lives to the age of 87 where he dies peacefully in Israel.
Due to Russian Campaign laws, Zyuganov spends less than $3 million on his campaign.
The term Semibankirschina (7 bankers) is used to describe 6 Jews and one Russian who control the entire Russian economy and its politics:
Boris Berezovsky, Vladimir Gusinsky, Mikhail Khodorkovsky, Mikhail Friedman, Alexander Smolensky, Pyotr Aven, and Vladimir Potanin.
In a 14 November, 1996 article titled Semibankirschina as a New Russian Variation of Semiboyarschina,
Andrey Fadin of the Obschaya Gazeta newspaper states:
“They control the access to budget money and basically all investment opportunities inside the country. They own the gigantic information resource of the major TV channels. They form the President’s opinion. Those who didn’t want to walk along them were either strangled or left the circle.”
(Soon after, Fadin dies in a car “accident.”)
With Yeltsin still in power, tax money is siphoned off and used for his campaign, and to bribe and buy millions of votes and favorable media coverage. All the news stories suddenly turned into campaign ads about the extraordinary heroics of Yeltsin.
In addition, disinformation about Yeltsin’s opponents is spread. Fake dates of campaign rallies are announced, causing masses to show up to empty venues. Fake campaign materials are distributed, purporting to be form the Zyuganov campaign.
Finally, on election day, widespread voter fraud, intimidation, and ballot stuffing ensures Yeltsin’s victory, and continued Zionist rule.
(Ironically, 2 decades later the Zionist press will spend over 3 years relentlessly accusing Russia of interfering in the U.S. election when their desired candidate Hillary Clinton loses, until the allegations are finally proven false. )
The Zionist machine steps in with the largest election interference campaign in world history. Whatever they accuse you of, they are doing.
The severe Zionist sanctions against Germany had killed nearly 1 million Germans by starvation in the lead up to World War 1.
The challenge, as always, is fooling the American public again.
Distrust of the government is at an all time high after the Oklahoma City attacks and cover-up, and the recent exposure of the hoax which was used to get America into the 1991 Iraq war does not make matters easier.
When Zionist Secretary of State Madeleine Albright is asked for her thoughts on reports that the sanctions against Iraq have killed over half a million innocent children, she responds:
“I think that is a very hard choice, but the price, we think, the price is worth it.”
For control of Iraq’s oil reserves, and the expansion of Greater Israel, the holocaust of half a million children is a small price to pay.
To lay more groundwork for the new Iraq invasion, Zionist Richard Perle, a known treasonous Israeli spy and “handler” to the Clinton Administration, (assisted by Zionist “handlers” Douglas Feith, David and Meyrav Wurmser, and Robert Loewenberg) produces a paper entitled A Clean Break: A New Strategy for Securing the Realm, in which he vaguely refers to the coming Zionist world rule, stating:
“Israel has the opportunity to make a clean break; it can forge a peace process and strategy based on an entirely new intellectual foundation, one that restores strategic initiative, and provides the nation the room to engage every possible energy on rebuilding Zionism the starting point of which must be economic reform…
Rather than pursuing a “comprehensive peace” with the entire Arab world, Israel should work jointly with Jordan and Turkey to “contain, destabilize, and roll-back” those entities that are threats to all three….”
He continues by outlining a strategy for Israel to gain control over the entire Middle East, completing the long term “Greater Israel” plan.
He expresses his anxiety about Syria’s independence from Zionist rule. (Something critical to understand as Syria will play a significant role during the early the 21st century in preventing Zionist expansion.) He states:
“Israel also can take this opportunity to remind the world of the nature of the Syrian regime. Syria repeatedly breaks its word. It violated numerous agreements with the Turks, and has betrayed the United States [Israel] by continuing to occupy Lebanon in violation of the Taef agreement in 1989. Instead, Syria staged a sham election, installed a quisling [Non-Zionist controlled] regime, and forced Lebanon to sign a “Brotherhood Agreement” in 1991, that terminated [ensured] Lebanese sovereignty….Given the nature of the regime in Damascus, it is both natural and moral [unnatural and immoral] that Israel abandon the slogan comprehensive peace [war] and move to contain [regime change] Syria, drawing attention to its [non-existent] weapons of mass destruction programs, and rejecting land for peace deals on the Golan Heights….
Israel can shape its strategic environment, in cooperation with Turkey and Jordan, by weakening, containing, and even rolling back [utterly destroying] Syria. This effort can focus on removing Saddam Hussein from power in Iraq—an important Israeli strategic objective in its own right—as a means of foiling Syria’s regional ambitions.
It would be understandable that Israel has an interest…to redefine Iraq, including such measures as…investment in Jordan to structurally shift Jordan’s economy away from dependence on Iraq; and diverting Syria’s attention by using Lebanese opposition elements [more CIA-Mossad false flag terror attacks] to destabilize Syrian control of Lebanon…
Most important, it is understandable that Israel has an interest supporting diplomatically, militarily and operationally Turkey’s and Jordan’s actions against Syria, such as securing tribal alliances [funding, radicalizing and arming terrorist cells] with Arab tribes that cross into Syrian territory and are hostile to the Syrian ruling elite.
Israel’s new agenda can signal a clean break by abandoning a policy which…allowed strategic retreat by reestablishing the principle of preemption, [Imperialism] rather than retaliation [for false flag attacks] alone and by ceasing to absorb [false flag] blows to the nation.”
The ground work is laid for the final consolidation of Zionist total control over the Middle East and the establishment of Greater Israel.
Of course, Israel will never spend its own blood and money to take care of this massive undertaking. The one large remaining piece of the puzzle is how to convince (as always) the idiot American taxpayers to do it.
It will require of course (as always) a false flag attack against Americans, likely even on American soil. to convince them to take on a job this big, the attack on America will likely need to be a major one…

He states:
“for several years, the Allies wreaked vengeance on the Germans such as the world had never seen. A whole nation was converted to a starvation prison. At least 8 million civilians died (in the first years) after the war, plus about 1.5 million prisoners of war.”
“The struggle has been presented to us as a struggle between ‘their’ evil and ‘our’ good. But as Solzhenitsyn wrote: ‘The line dividing good and evil cuts through the heart of every human being.’…
“Having made false gods, we have made a god of falsity. It the truth will set us free, we must first set free the truth.”
He quotes (Henry Morganthau aide) Fred Smith:
“Western planning for vengeance against Germans and for the destruction of Germany began in England in August 1944, [Well in advance of the Holocaust Hoax, or the arrival of the Allies at the alleged “death camps”] with its chief architects Morgenthau and Dwight D. Eisenhower…
The subject first came up at lunch in General Eisenhower’s mess tent. Secretary Morgenthau, Assistant to the Secretary Harry Dexter White [Weit] and I were there.
Eisenhower…made the statement that actually sparked the German hardship plan.
He said: ‘I am not interested in the German economy and personally would not like to bolster it if that will make it any easier for the Germans.’ He said he thought the Germans had punishment coming to them: The ringleaders and the SS troops should be given the death penalty without question, but punishment should not end there.’
He felt the people were guilty of supporting the regime and that made them a party to the entire German project, and he personally would like to ‘see things made good and hard for them for a while’.
‘the whole German population is a synthetic paranoid. All their life the people have been taught to be paranoid in their actions and thoughts and they have to be snapped out of it. The only way to do that is to be good and hard on them. I certainly see no point in bolstering their economy or taking any other steps to help them.’ White remarked: ‘We may want to quote you on the problem of handling the German people.’ Eisenhower replied that he could be quoted. He said: ‘I will tell the President myself, if necessary.’..
The influential Senator Kenneth Wherry said:
But it was to no avail. The allied powers continued their policy of mass starvation of the German citizens as a cruel retribution for their presumed collective guilt, whereas all the other enemy countries, like Japan and Italy, benefited from generous aid, once they had surrendered.”
“General Louis Buisson, Director of the War Prisons, said that food rations were “Just enough to allow a man to lie down, not move, and not die too quickly. In spite of the certain fate awaiting German prisoners of war in French hands, this government continues to be a party to sentencing German oprisoners of war to starvation in continued violation of the articles of war of the Geneva Convention.”
Zbigniew Brzezinksi the former National Security Advisor and Zionist “handler” in Washington publishes The Grand Chessboard, in which he lays out strategies for Zionist World rule using the United States as the weapon to accomplish this. He states:
“The last decade of the twentieth century has witnessed a tectonic shift in world affairs….the rapid ascendance of a Western Hemisphere power, the United States, [actually their Zionist rulers] as the sole and, indeed, the first truly global power….American [Zionist] foreign policy… must employ its influence in Eurasia in a manner that creates a stable continental equilibrium, with the United States [Zionists] as the political arbiter.”
He questions the rights of free nations to determine their own affairs if those affairs are not in line with Zionist rule, and pretends America has a duty to “construct” a Europe in a Zionist-desired fashion:
“What new Eurasian coalitions are possible, which might be most dangerous to U.S. [Zionist] interests, and what needs to be done to preclude them?
The central issue for [Zionists] America is how to construct a Europe that is based on the Franco-German connection, a Europe that is viable…”
He notes correctly that Europe has lost its sense of purpose, but fails to note that it was brought about by the Zionist-arranged fall of Christianity. He charges the American taxpayer with “repairing” this thru some form of intervention:
“American engagement in the cause of European unification is needed to compensate for the internal crisis of morale and purpose that has been sapping European vitality… requires energetic, focused, and determined American involvement, particularly with the Germans, in defining Europe’s scope…”
He also continues laying the groundwork for the coming major attack from an “external threat” needed to mobilize the U.S. in the Middle East and finalize total Zionist ownership of the region, since the American public is united in opposition to such insanity:
“America may find it difficult to fashion consensus on foreign policy, except in the circumstance of a truly massive external threat…. The attitude of the American public toward the projection of power has been ambivalent. The public supported America’s engagement in World War II because of the shock effect of the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor.”
The world map is just a chessboard to the Zionists. They are the King, the U.S. Treasury is the Queen and you of course, are a Pawn.
“Although the United States still takes conventional terrorism seriously…it is not yet prepared for the new threat of catastrophic terrorism…. A successful attack with weapons of mass destruction could certainly take thousands, or tens of thousands, of lives. If the device that exploded in 1993 under the World Trade Center had been nuclear, or had actively dispersed a deadly pathogen, the resulting horror and chaos would have exceeded our ability to describe it. Such an act of catastrophic terrorism would be a watershed event in American history….
Like Pearl Harbor, this event would divide our past and future into a before and after….
The United States might respond with draconian measures, scaling back civil liberties, allowing wider surveillance of citizens, detention of suspects, and use of deadly force.”
The article also goes to great lengths to call for drastically increased government [Zionist] surveillance and intelligence gathering capabilities against American citizens who have not been charged with crimes:
The greatest danger may arise if the threat falls into one of the crevasses in the government’s overlapping jurisdictions, such as the divide between “foreign” and “domestic” terrorism or “law enforcement” versus “national security.”
The law enforcement/national security divide is especially significant, carved deeply into the topography of American government. The national security paradigm fosters aggressive, active intelligence gathering. It anticipates the threat before it arises and plans preventive action against suspected targets….
The U.S. government must create unglamorous but effective systems for accountable decision-making that combine civil, military, and intelligence expertise throughout the chain of command; integrate planning and operational activity; build up institutional capacities; and highlight defensive needs before an incident happens. This strategy has four elements: intelligence and warning; prevention and deterrence; crisis and consequence management; and coordinated acquisition of equipment and technology.
To this day, U.S. intelligence lacks a place to perform comprehensive planning for the collection of information, where the yields from overhead reconnaissance, electronic surveillance, clandestine agents, law enforcement databases and informants, and reports from foreign governments can be sifted and organized for maximum effect.
The United States needs a new institution to gather intelligence on catastrophic terrorism—a National Terrorism Intelligence Center—that would collect and analyze information so it could warn of suspected catastrophic terrorist acts ahead of time.”
The authors of the letter are kind enough to inform inform the U.S. President what the Zionists have decided American foreign policy will be:
“We are writing you because we are convinced that current American policy toward Iraq is not succeeding, and that we may soon face a threat in the Middle East more serious than any we have known since the end of the Cold War…and to enunciate a new strategy that would secure the interests of the U.S. and our friends and allies around the world. That strategy should aim, above all, at the removal of Saddam Hussein’s regime from power….we can no longer depend on our partners in the Gulf War coalition to continue to uphold the sanctions or to punish Saddam when he blocks or evades UN inspections…Our ability to ensure that Saddam Hussein is not producing weapons of mass destruction…has substantially diminished…The lengthy period during which the inspectors will have been unable to enter many Iraqi facilities has made it even less likely that they will be able to uncover all of Saddam’s secrets….if Saddam does acquire the capability to deliver weapons of mass destruction…the safety of American troops in the region, of our friends and allies like Israel…and a significant portion of the world’s supply of oil will all be put at hazard…The only acceptable strategy is one that eliminates the possibility that Iraq will be able to use or threaten to use weapons of mass destruction. In the near term, this means a willingness to undertake military action as diplomacy is clearly failing. In the long term, it means removing Saddam Hussein and his regime from power. That now needs to become the aim of American foreign policy.”
The letter is sent to Clinton in January 1998.
In February, Clinton then tells the American public:
“It is obvious that there is an attempt here, based on the whole history of this operation since 1991, to protect whatever remains of [Saddam Hussein’s] capacity to produce weapons of mass destruction…Now, let’s imagine the future. What if he fails to comply and we fail to act, or we take some ambiguous third route, which gives him yet more opportunities to develop this program of weapons of mass destruction… He will then conclude that he can go right on and do more to rebuild an arsenal of devastating destruction. And some day, some way, I guarantee you he’ll use the arsenal…”
In September, a bill mysteriously appears in Congress, H.R. 4655 known as the “Iraq Liberation Act.”
It is introduced by House Committee on Foreign Affairs Chairman Benjamin Gilman, Zionist. The Act states the the United States will support “regime change” in Iraq. It passes and Clinton signs it into law. Within a few weeks Clinton orders “Operation Desert Fox,” a four day air assault on Iraqi targets using cruise missile and bomb strikes on 97 Iraqi targets.
It is later revealed that the Zionist stories in the letter to Clinton were fictional, and Iraq had cooperated with all weapons inspectors. One U.N. inspector Scott Ritter states:
“…You know the United States government ordered the inspectors to withdraw from the modalities without conferring with the Security Council. It took Iraqis by surprise. Iraqis were saying, “We’re playing by the rules, why aren’t you? If you’re not going play by the rules, then it’s a game that we don’t want to participate in.” Bill Clinton ordered the inspectors out. Saddam didn’t kick them out.”
“Uncle Charlie physically introduced me to Henry Kissinger one day in an open grassy park-like area when I was very little. I shook Henry’s hand and Uncle Charlie explained that Henry was my “Uncle Henry.”
Bob Hope involved me with many celebrities. His parties were star-studded, filled with the glamorous, the famous, the rich. If people did not have a title or talent they could buy themselves into his circle of “exclusive people.
The “elite,” as they were often called, were encouraged to choose a girl, any girl they wished for their ‘personal party favor’ and enjoy her as they wished.
Every desire, every whim was satisfied. These girls were totally compliant…
U.S. Senators like Alan Cranston, governors, congressmen, celebrities, even foreign ambassadors and dignitaries, were in attendance at different times. Military people, also. People were invited if they had something to offer to Bob or “the cause”…the New World Order….
Different nights brought different types of people together, usually carefully matched and pre- selected so they would congeal. Most of the couples were usually older and the men were businessmen, politicians, bankers, stock brokers, movie and music artists, and other people that were important to Bob’s interests. The parties’ guest lists were planned and coordinated to match up and network people who they needed to get together, or groups with similar sexual preferences like gays, lesbians, heterosexuals, or pedophiles, so they could feel free to let their hair down. Unfortunately, after it happened Bob owned them….
If it was a serious target they got the red carpet treatment, if not they still got sex. Prince Charles was the red carpet sort, where minor politicians or businessmen were less catered to….
Henry [Kissinger] told Bob the strategies and they often worked together…
He was like a black widow spider, luring people into his web and then moving in for the kill… Once lured into Bob’s snare, there was no getting out without dire consequence.
Bob especially liked to do this to politicians because as he would explain to me after a party, he liked “to have a few key politicians in his back pocket.” Bob demonstrated my “abilities” to people he wanted to gift me to. He gave me as a sexual gift to a lot of people he wanted to “have in his back pocket.” Later, he talked about how incredibly stupid these people were, to take the drugs or alcohol and then make a public spectacle of themselves.
…The FBI was under Council control and they even got [J.Edgar] Hoover to put blocks and different rules, regulations, and codes directly into the FBI operations. That began to set up a controlling mechanism for the future so that when the next FBI director took office, things inside the Bureau would be in place so the Council could continue to manipulate them toward their Ultimate year 2000 goal.
California Senator, and then Governor, Pete Wilson was also tied to Bob Hope. Bob manipulated Pete through Pete’s desire for fame and recognition and through his desire for political gain and for sex. Bob originally invited Pete Wilson to his parties and used me to lure him into his web so he could gain further control over politics in California, or at least protect some of his interests. As Pete discovered, Bob was a direct link to insuring success politically because he had connections to so many people and was connected with the Council and the U.S. Defense Department…
Back then they felt he was one of the most promising candidates they had for the U.S. Presidency. The last information I had overheard in conversation concerning this was that they were not sure he would be ready by the election in 1996, but they had him in a holding pattern for later use when the time was right. As Pete went along with what the Council wanted, doors were to immediately open for him.
Parties were given in New York at the Rockefeller mansion around Christmas time each year. I was flown to New York by commercial airline and was met at the airport and limoed to their home.
I was taken by a woman to get my hair and nails done, then brought back and dressed to be used to entertain top people from all over the world, usually ending in a sexual encounter with individuals they were targeting….
People in America think they elect their Presidents, but from what I witnessed, they do not as the process of putting them into office is a highly controlled and corrupt one. The media is so controlled that the American people never get the full and accurate story. The Presidents are selected long before they are ‘voted’ into office. It is no accident that Ronald Reagan and Pete Wilson won the governorship of California. It was rigged through financial, business, and political connections from this controlling group, headed by the Council, right down into various business and political factions, and then on down into the public arena.
They own the press. They own key television stations and famous anchormen. They have key people who own the newspaper companies. They buy magazine companies and own many large corporations that allow them to have leading edge media exposure, thus allowing them to control the information people see on the television news, read in newspapers and magazines, or hear on the radio. They are funded by the richest men and corporations in the world who get what they want, when they want it, by whatever means it takes to do so. They operate above the law, above the federal government…
Nelson Rockefeller was connected to Bob Hope and many people in positions of power Nixon, Ford, Reagan, and Bush – even before these men were Presidents.
At the Rockefeller mansion, there was a direct phone line to the White House that no one was supposed to know about. It was kept in a side closet behind a mirrored liquor cabinet. Nelson didn’t even have to dial; he just picked it up and began talking. I couldn’t understand what he was saying, but he often spoke about the Chase Manhattan Bank. There was a clear plastic box on the mouthpiece of this phone. I don’t know the purpose for this device.
When I was at the mansion, Nelson called Reagan at times. He never told Reagan I was there. My instructions were to keep quiet…
Nelson Rockefeller was also the connection to some Supreme Court Justices who were old friends of his. They called him, “Old Rocky.” I was sent in on different Supreme Court Justices and I was instructed to make sure neither judge talked about or knew that I was being intimate with the other. The Council knew just the perfect phrases to have me deliver in these situations that would shut the door to these judges ever mentioning our private, intimate experience to anyone, especially their colleagues. All these judges knew each other well. It was like an inside men’s club and so the Council would tell me something no one would have known about judge so-and-so, and I would tell the judge I was with about it and that his colleague, judge so-and-so, was extremely sensitive about this subject.
This would cause him to not want to have anything to do with the other judge and so it would be in that judge’s favor to not ever mention our little affair.
There were two very old Superior Court judges who I was sent in to seduce and probe for information. These very old men actually believed all the lines I told them about how attractive I found older men, how wise I knew they were and how I really appreciated maturity and experience over the younger men of the day. And I got them tipsy and then asked them questions very innocently, like I was just curious about a certain subject. They usually answered me in strictest confidences to help me understand how things worked. Sometimes their egos would get so inflated from all the flattering I delivered, that they would be flustered and say more than they probably normally should or would have. Even under mind control, it really made me lose my respect for old men – especially Supreme Court Justices, because they had no morals and totally believed and ate up all the lies. The Council sent me into many different areas within the government to “feel things out.” I knew that meant to have sex and ask the questions I was directed to ask. They didn’t say, “feel things out,” if I was only to ask questions or give information…
Henry was still always in charge of me, but let Rockefeller use me to further his own interests. Henry would ask for “updates” on all of these other people’s uses of me so he knew what was going on in lots of different circles at once. And, he would use any confidential information he found to further his own interests in business or government dealings. He found out the ‘dirt’ on others by debriefing me from my use with the Rockefellers or different corporate heads, then he or Bob would take advantage of the information to further their interests…
Alan Greenspan had a lot of big business backing, thus furthering their banking deals. They laundered huge sums of money through subsidiary treasury banks so the action would be taking place off to the side in unnamed, unmonitored banks. That way the main Federal Reserve Banks, were kept freer to operate without detection. The plan covered the overall banking system so nothing could be traced. So if there were large sums of money that needed to be washed, they were put through the smaller, subsidiary banks that weren’t being monitored, so no one would know. Sometimes these subsidiary banks ended up actually handling much larger sums of money and transactions than the larger Federal Reserve Bank in the same geographic area in order to hide the money laundering schemes. The way the system is set up, all monies from an area are supposed to funnel through the Federal Reserve Bank in that area in order to monitor many different things, so they can keep control of the money in specific geographic areas. With the large, washed funds filtering through the subsidiary banks, the laundering system did well and was never detected through the main Fed, which is highly monitored by Congress. Otherwise the Reserve would come up out of balance every step of the way, since so much money was laundered in certain areas and there was no way to begin to explain the large percentage of imbalance there would have been between even neighboring cities’ or state’s holdings.
The Federal Reserve had areas like political districts. In some areas, it was essential to have the subsidiary banks ‘in place’ in order to funnel the funds from covert operations. San Diego was one. Los Angeles was another and Hollywood was also. Wherever clusters of worker bees (mind control operatives) were located, money went into a subsidiary bank of the Federal Reserve to keep the funds continually channeling back to them. This was true in areas of immense illegal profit, like in Vegas, where the whole town was built on graft and everyone inside knew who got paid first so no one got hurt or stepped on…
Lyndon Johnson was a very tall and large man. He had a pocket watch on a chain that he wore in a high pocket in his vest or coat, not in his pants. He wore glasses to read. I remember him sitting at his desk reading on into the night. The rest of the room was dark except for the light on the desk that he was reading by. He liked to wear his hat even when he was inside. He just loved his hat. He told me his hat was a Stetson and that back where he came from it was the best… “Like a Cadillac,” he explained. His clothes smelled of cologne and his suits were often gray or brown and he often wore boots.
On this occasion, he kept me in the bed in the darkened hotel room while he sat at the desk to finish up reading his papers. Then he turned off the light and came over to the bed where I was tucked in, wearing a skimpy teddy. It was cold in the room. All Lyndon had on was his boxers and brown socks. He laid his clothes by the table and chairs, and when he walked to the bed he pulled his penis out of the hole in his boxers and pulled my head over to him. He commanded, “Suck,” while he pulled my hair to bring me closer to him. He stood, moaning with pleasure and then complained that he was needing to bend over too far so I got up on my knees and finished. He gratified himself in my mouth and liked to watch me swallow. Then LBJ climbed into bed and held me like I was a teddy bear and asked me to rub his back. One time he had me get out of bed to get him a cigar. He wanted me to light it but I wasn’t very good at it because I was just a kid. I coughed a lot and nearly choked to death, but I got it to him in bed all lit. I handed him the cigar and he said, “Thank you, little lady.” He usually called me that. He didn’t want to go to sleep right away and had me turn the TV on for him. He never took his socks off the whole time…
He asked me if I liked what I did. I shrugged my shoulders and said, “Yes,” but due to the mind control I was under I was unable to really think about his question. He told me he loved the young ones, “…beautiful little lady.” He liked to kiss open mouth but he tasted yucky like cigars. His private parts smelled, too. But then there was the cologne to cover up the smell. He was pretty fat from my perception, but big and tall. Lyndon had a medium to small penis for his big body, but he said he used it well. He wasn’t really hairy and the hair on his head was thinning. He used something like Vitalis on what was left of his hair when he combed it. I think maybe that is why he kept his cowboy hat on all the time, even in bed…
I was taken to the White House to be with Lyndon. One night he told me all about this lady named Agnes who he loved before Lady B. That’s what he called his wife, “Lady B,” instead of Lady Bird. He said he never got over Agnes, just couldn’t forget her. He said Lady B fit into his future plans and worked out better but that he just really loved Agnes. When he talked about Agnes he had a goofy faraway look on his face…
Sometimes he wore those dumb elastic things to hold his socks up like Bob (Hope) did. He looked so ridiculous wearing those dumb socks, his boxers and his hat, while he sat and smoked. He must not have cared what he looked like. The room was always kept pretty dark. He said he was most comfortable like that, but my eyes would adjust to the dark and I could still see how silly he looked. The teen personality programmed to be with him during those times was respectful and performed as her programming dictated, but through her teenage eyes, felt he was just a dork.
Ted Kennedy was brutal. He was one of the most violent and meanest men I was with. He liked to have sex with me anywhere and everywhere he could, but he especially liked to have sex in cold climates in rooms with a fireplace. One place had a big rock fireplace and he made a big fire and then wanted to have sex all night. When he neared orgasm he would slap and beat me. He hit me so hard it felt like my head would explode. Then in his proper Kennedy accent, he would call me a “c–t.” He liked to tie my arms over my head to the headboard or if there wasn’t anything to attach my hands and wrists to, he would tie them tightly together. Lots of times he made me stay tied up for a long time. He liked to hand cuff me also. He was really into bondage and if I ever neared any sexual pleasure he would start hitting and slapping me, and once that began it was like he couldn’t stop himself and quickly escalated into extreme violence. He seemed to require that in order to orgasm.
I was flown to him in the New England States. At dusk, we walked outside together in a forest. There was a real chill in the air. He told me to strip and I was forced to take my clothes off outside in the cold. He ordered me to dance around the forest like I was a fairy. Then he laughed like he was drunk or out of his mind. He had a rifle with him and he shot it into the air and it really scared me. He said he shot the gun just so my nipples would stand up.
There were other times after he finished violently satisfying himself with me that he would break down and cry. He was very disturbed. But the hurting he delivered never stopped. He used me often until I was just over twenty-five.
Bob offered my services to the Kennedys any time they wished. He said they could count on my yearly service at their family get-togethers. Bob told them, “It’s so nice to get good help and it’s so wonderful when they are versatile!” Then he laughed and pointed to me. So I was sent in year after year.
I called Ford, “Henry,” trying to joke with him so he wouldn’t be so brutal but he usually was anyway, despite my attempts at humor. Ford began with me early, as he liked young girls. He was into fantasies and often liked for me to wear an eye mask. We had sex often, especially during the time Reagan was Governor of California. He liked violent sex-tying me up, handcuffs, spankings, slapping, and all that kind of S&M stuff. He enjoyed the whips and chains routine, and liked to tie me up with thick black leather straps. He slapped me frequently. Often after he satisfied himself sexually with me, blood would drip down my legs. It was so painful that I felt like I was not only splitting in my rectum or vagina, but the excruciating pain exploded up into my head and out my arms and fingertips. Gerald Ford required violent sex in order to orgasm. He joked about needing, “the chain gig in order to get off.” His jokes were very crude. He was in politics a long time and often traveled in political circles. He was “one of the good old boys” and had major Mob connections. He wore his own gun in a shoulder holster and was afraid for me to remove it. “I don’t trust you with the gun,” he said and he laughed. He was a short President and pretty hairy. While he was violent sexually he still was not as brutal as Ted Kennedy…
I was prostituted to Prince Phillip and also Prince Charles. On one occasion, Prince Charles explained to me that royalty are given the right and reserve to have affairs outside of the royal family. He said it was in the interest of their country for the royals to remain balanced and happy, and that was done by whatever means needed in order to accomplish that. The requirement was that they were discreet and didn’t get caught.
I was prostituted to both Phillip and Charles in Los Angeles on different occasions and was set up with them at other times in Washington, DC, London, and New York. Prince Phillip thought he was God’s gift to the world, and was arrogant and egotistical. Charles was much different. He was quieter, more somber, and more controlled. The Council told me it was important for me to form a sexual bond with him.
Charles liked to talk a lot in bed. He would lay on his side with his head cradled in his hand and talk and talk to me. He said that he was very lonely, that Di never talked to him about anything of substance and that they just didn’t seem to be matched that way. He told me that they had good sex but that was it, and that he had trouble getting her to act like a member of the royal family was suppose to act so they could lead their country in the way it needed to be run. He said that she didn’t have much depth and was more interested in how she looked than anything else and he said, “Frankly, that bores me.”
The Rockefeller family set me up with Charles and I was instructed to just be a good listener with him and to report back to them what he said. They wanted to know what his dreams, desires, likes and dislikes were so that they could use that information in the future to control him, and ultimately, his country. They wanted to know his “Achilles heel” so that they could use his weakness to their advantage in regard to political and business dealings between our countries…
Over the years Bill Clinton surfaced in higher level political circles. At one of Bob’s parties Bill was all made up in a Statue of Liberty costume, decorated in red, white and blue, complete with blinking lights. He was holding a torch and he acted feminine. I had to have sex with him later on and it felt confusing to me because it was like having sex with a girl in a man’s body. That was strange to me even under mind control, even compared with all the other strange and perverted experiences to which my controllers subjected me.
In 1992, before he was inaugurated, Kelly and I were prostituted to Bill Clinton in Klamath Falls, Oregon.
When we met Clinton, he said, “Did you know that I am now your boss, and you will do exactly as I say. You are under my command.” With a robotical tone of voice he told me to give him oral sex and to get down on the floor where I belonged. Then Kelly robotically sexually serviced him after which I gave him a message before we were let out of his room.
Later on, I delivered messages to Clinton from the Council, from Kauai, before he was President. I was delivered aboard a very large ship, put into a stateroom and told to stay on the bed and wait for him. I did. He slipped into the room without knocking and locked the door behind him. He said, smiling coyly, “I believe you have something for me?” He had sex with me, with my dress and his pants still on. It was a quickie and then I gave him the message. It required a simple answer that I was to deliver back to the Council. His answer was agreeable.
Bill liked to be sung to and have his forehead rubbed. He liked to play mommy and baby baby Bill. He was often very strange.
When it came to Bill Clinton, Henry would stoop low. He even sent up bags of cocaine with me to use when I was with Bill or Hillary in order to get them off guard. Bill and Hillary both did the cocaine. I placed it on a small mirror for them and they had glass nose straws they snorted it through. Bill could do the whole little white pile with one snort. Hillary took two or three sniffs to get all of hers. Then we usually had sex…
When I said certain things, they thought I was a gift from Bob Hope, the entertainer. Bob and Henry’s real relationship was kept quiet. The Clintons didn’t seem to know that Henry and Bob were working so closely together, one getting me into the White House while the “Expert” Henry Kissinger delivered the goods in order to find ways to hang the Clintons…
For my use as a sexual slave, I was trained to make love to married couples by always bringing the focus back to them. “Isn’t your wife beautiful! Isn’t your husband strong,” or, whatever statements would strengthen their bond and love for each other, if they were to be kept together. When I got through with couples they were totally enamoured with each other and hardly noticed when I dressed and left the room. I was used in this way with the Clintons. There was usually cocaine, often a gift from someone they knew, routed through me…
Kelly had a school function or a friend’s party at the Beverly Hilton. I hadn’t seen her in awhile as she was living in California and I was living on Kauai, but I was brought in to help her with “The Prez,” who was then newly-elected Bill Clinton. He had a group of girls and women there and that night he wanted only oral sex, along with chocolate and fruit slices. Afterwards, it was my job to redirect the girls back into their social function so there would be no mix-ups.
Sex slaves were used to sexually service both male and female members of the White House when our controllers called for it, and I was not to be exempt. Once when I was flown to the White House from Hawaii, Hillary played what she called “the tease game.” She tied me up so she could be safe, she said. When she was through with me she looked at her gold watch, said she had to go, put on her dress and left. I put on my clothes and headed out to the waiting limo to Henry…
Henry always wanted to know exactly what Hillary’s verbal responses were to things I said to her and he listened very carefully for speech patterning…
Al Gore was easy for the Council because I believe he is a robot like me. Al Gore had me perform oral sex on him. He didn’t do cocaine, though. He adamantly refused. Henry said, “He’s a robot of choice.”
Living in and amongst those planning the New World Order as their programmed mind file, meticulously recording their deeds and activities, has allowed me to be here now to report their plan to you. Their agenda includes keeping the populations of the world under control as they hold the key to secret knowledge. Knowledge is power. If you are uninformed as to their secret agenda and especially of their use of advanced mind control technology in order to bring about their plan, then you can’t protect yourself or begin to work toward stopping this plan…
And, I can tell you that the New World Order plan serves a belief system that is based on power and control, confusion, greed, and the use and manipulation of others, most often without their consent. The system’s “cogs” are well oiled and greased, and are interlaced and protected by mens’ secret societies like the Masons, who have at the pinnacle of their organization a belief in secret knowledge. The Masonic order is funded from the bottom up by first through third degree Masons, hoodwinked and mesmerized into working for the agenda of those members at the top-an agenda they work “toward” knowing but they aren’t allowed to know until they arrive at the top through oath and initiation to possess the elusive “secret knowledge.”
The book by Taylor, along with many others about the child trafficking ring around Washington reveal how easily the Zionists control politics in America.
Candidates must meet 2 pre-requisites to advance:
1. They must have a “yes-man” quality. Alpha males and females, anyone displaying distinctive leadership qualities, those with an independent streak, or those looking to change the status quo are immediately disqualified.
2. All candidates must be compromised. They must have committed some crime, or some have some stain in their background which can be used to control and bribe them. If they have none, they will be lured into the underage sex trap. If they fall into the trap, they are qualified to advance. If they don’t, they are immediately disqualified from advancement.
Then AFTER they have been compromised, they are presented to the public as the “next big thing.”
The Zionist press suddenly goes into overdrive announcing the “sudden rise” to prominence of a certain candidate, or labeling someone a “rising star’ in a political party.
Taylor’s book provides more insight into the CIA’s Monarch mind control program and another long list of names of world leaders who are Zionist controlled using these methods. A free pdf version is easy to find online.
Walter Cronkite, a 33rd degree freemason, CFR member and one of the leading Zionists in the U.S. news media, states:
In retrospect, I had just found out that the United States was engaged in war… a war about which the average American hasn’t the foggiest idea. The reason Americans do not understand this war is because it has been fought in secret—in the schools of our nation, targeting our children who are captive in classrooms. If we wish to stop this juggernaut toward a socialist-fascist system, then we must restore educational freedom to America. Americans forget that the present government education system started as a Prussian import in the 1840’s–’50’s. It was a system built on Hegel’s belief that the state was “God” walking on earth. The only way to restore educational freedom, and put education back into the hands of parents where it belongs, is to get the federal government, with its coercive policies, out of education. The billions of dollars being spent by the federal government to destroy educational freedom must be halted, and that can only be done by getting American legislators to understand that the American people want to remain a free people, in charge of their own lives and the education of their children.
- America’s Schools: The Battleground for Freedom By Allen Quist
- Brave New Schools By Berit Kjos
- Children No More: How We Lost a Generation By Brenda Scott
- Cloning of the American Mind: Eradicating Morality through Education By B. K. Eakman
- History of American Education: From Harvard Scholars to Worker Bees of the New World Order By Vaughn Shatzer
- Mental Health Screening: How Will it Affect Your Children? By Dennis L. Cuddy, Ph.D.
- NEA Grab for Power By Dennis Cuddy, Ph. D.
- Outcome-Based Education: The State’s Assault on Our Children’s Values By Peg Luksik and Pamela Hobbs Hoffecker
- Pokemon & Harry Potter: A Fatal Attraction By Phil Arms
- Public Schools, Public Menace, How Public Schools Lie to Parents and Betray Our Children By Joel Turtel
- The Myth of ADHD And Other Learning Disabilities By Dr. Jan Strydom and Susan duPlessis
- Who’s Watching The Playpen? By David Benoit
- America’s Secret Establishment, An Introduction to the Order of Skull & Bones by Antony C. Sutton
“I believe that people who do not accept Jesus cannot go to heaven.”
This angered many of the Zionist elite, but it was permitted as Bush didnt actually mean it and was only playing to the local crowd. But to be permitted to advance to the highest office in the land, Bush had been required to correct the record on this central Zionist issue. Jesus must be renounced publicly. Bush had stated in 1998 during his campaign, under “pressure” from the ADL:
“Judgments about heaven do not belong in the realm of politics or this world.”
Bush then completed the mandatory task of visiting “Israel” put on a yarmulke (skull cap) and said a “prayer” to the god of Talmudism.
The ADL was then ready to authorize Bush to advance. The spy network released a statement which read:
“George W. Bush has proven his commitment to tolerance and diversity, and the principles of religious freedom.”
No one is permitted to serve as President in the U.S. until they bow to the Zionists.
A drug bust reveals that the surging popularity of the new street drug ecstasy can be traced to Mossad, who has been running a massive ecstasy ring, the largest ever uncovered in the United States. The drugs were delivered using sayanim (assistants) who were posing as orthodox Jews wearing religious attire, which made them unlikely targets for drug enforcement agents. Mossad agent Jacob Orgad pleads guilty to trafficking hundreds of millions of dollars in illegal drugs and receives a 14 year prison sentence. The Zionist press gives little coverage to the story, other than covering for Mossad by claiming the “mob” was responsible.
Boris Berezovsky flees the country for Britain, abandoning control of Channel One, the country’s largest TV network and selling off his Russian assets at heavily discounted pricing. When Zionist owned Britain refuses to extradite Berezovsky back to Russia to stand trial for his crimes, diplomatic tensions are created between the two nations.
Mikhail Borisovich Khodorkovsky, at the time one of the richest men in the world, worth over $15 billion, is later arrested and sentenced to 9 years in prison, giving up control of vast Russian oil fields, and losing almost all of “his” fortune. After his release, he creates a “think tank” called Open Russia, which advocates for opening Russia to Zionist looting like the rest of the world. Its board members have included Jacob Rothschild and Henry Kissinger. Like all Zionist movements it organizes Marxist agitators to who arrange protest marches to oppose Putin, and pretend to call for “democracy.” Putin eventually blocks the website of the subversive organization in Russia and bans all its activities.
BIll Browder, a “banker” who runs various Ponzi schemes, and has grown his “Hermitage Fund” to over $4 billion is refused entry to Russia and deported, and his firm’s offices are raided. Browder is charge with tax fraud, tried in absentia after extradition is refused, and convicted. The majority of “his” fortune is lost. He is later instrumental in promoting U.S. sanctions against Russia in retaliation. A 2016 documentary The Magnitsky Act – Behind the Scenes exposes some of Browder’s crimes.
The Zionist press in every Western country has been in a frenzy of anti-Putin coverage, nearly all of it lies, for the past 2 decades. They lost control of the largest nation on earth and the vast resources it contains. They want regime change in Russia more than anything, but without control of the central bank, they are limited in their ability to weaken Russia. In fact, Putin is one of very few world leaders in modern history who have demonstrated the ability to free his country from Zionist rule and keep it that way for an extended period of time.
The report attempts to tie Zionist interest to American ones, and to saddle the U.S. taxpayer with both the financial burden of building the world government for the Zionists, and the cost in lost lives, as countless new military adventures will be required to complete “regime changes” in nations refusing to submit to Zionist rule.
It states that the U.S. will need:
“a military that is strong and ready to meet both present and future challenges; a foreign policy that boldly and purposefully promotes American principles abroad; and national leadership that accepts the United States’ global responsibilities.”
It calls for dramatic increases in offense spending (while calling it ‘defense’ spending in classic Zio-doublespeak):
“Years of cuts in defense spending have eroded the American military’s combat readiness, and put in jeopardy the Pentagon’s plans for maintaining military superiority in the years ahead. Increasingly, the U.S. military has found itself undermanned, inadequately equipped and trained, straining to handle contingency operations, and ill-prepared to adapt itself to the revolution in military affairs. Without a well-conceived defense policy and an appropriate increase in defense spending, the United States has been letting its ability to take full advantage of the remarkable strategic opportunity at hand slip away…
We started from the premise that U.S. military capabilities should be sufficient to support an American grand strategy committed to building upon this unprecedented opportunity. We did not accept pre-ordained constraints that followed from assumptions about what the country might or might not be willing to expend on its defenses…”
The report also seeks to: “ESTABLISH FOUR CORE MISSIONS for U.S. military forces:
1. Defend the American homeland; [attack other nations unprovoked]
2. Fight and decisively win multiple, simultaneous major theater wars; [Fight large scale unprovoked wars to facilitate regime change in Zionist target areas across the world, mostly in the Middle East.]
3. Perform the “constabulary” duties associated with shaping the security environment in critical regions;
[Serve as the world’s police; occupy areas in areas intentionally destabilized by Zionist regime changes. Serve as the local police force in these nations and keep their citizens at gunpoint while resource looting operations are established.]
4. Transform U.S. forces to exploit the “revolution in military affairs;”
[pretend there is a “revolution in military affairs” that is being “missed out on” to create urgency to “get on board” with the outrageous plan.]
It recommends to:
“INCREASE DEFENSE SPENDING gradually to a minimum level of 3.5 to 3.8 percent of gross domestic product, adding $15 billion to $20 billion to total defense spending annually.”
The coming wars to get control of and then occupy the Middle East, Pakistan and Afghanistan will not be cheap!
It had been determined the best target for a major Zionist attack against the United States is still the Twin Towers of the iconic World Trade Center which had been used for the 1993 false flag bombing. Although the towers had failed to collapse as planned, this time it must be ensured that they come down. The towers are the tallest buildings in the largest U.S. city and the fall needs to symbolize the fall of the United States, so only the complete collapse of the towers will provide the desired impact.
The only known method of bringing down steel framed skyscrapers is to carefully wire them for demolition, which, for buildings this size requires extensive and time-consuming preparation by experts and precisely timed sequencing of the explosives. A single mistake in any location will leave part of the building standing, which will not only fail to symbolize a complete collapse of the United States, but will leave critical evidence intact.
The towers are the property of the Port Authority of New York, which makes gaining access to the buildings for this level of preparation nearly impossible.
To obtain the needed access, several prominent Zionists have lobbied to transfer control of the towers from the Port Authority into private hands.
In a hearing before a Congressional committee, Zionist Ronald Lauder (who is later named President of the World Jewish Congress for his efforts) states:
“I am testifying as Chairman of the New York State Privatization Commission and a concerned citizen….
Six years ago, when I became the first public figure to advocate privatization of sanitation services in New York City, I was publicly accused of being in bed with the mob…
Undeterred by this less than enthusiastic reception, I set about to promote the value of privatization….
despite the growing popularity of use of privatization, Federal policies are often barriers to local and state governments who can take full advantage of this privatization…
we must change all laws and regulations that discriminate against the private sector participating in the finance and ownership of public infrastructure. We must streamline the privatization approval process.”
The efforts pay off, and the privatization of the world trade center Twin Towers is finally achieved. In July 2001, Zionist Larry Silverstein obtains a 99-year lease on the World Trade Center from the Port Authority.
Zionist-owned New York Governor and pedophile George Pataki states:
“From my first days in office, I have pushed hard to privatize the management and operation of the World Trade Center because I believe that government is at its best when it focuses on its core mission. Today, as we make history, we can say: Mission accomplished,”
Almost immediately the complex work begins, wiring the towers with explosives.
Congressional staffer Susan Lindauer later states:
“Late on the night of August 23, 2001, at about 3 a.m. security cameras in the parking garage of the World Trade Center captured the arrival of two or three truck vans.
Visual examination determined the vans were separate and unique from trucks used by janitorial services, including different colors and devoid of markings. More curious, all the janitorial trucks had pulled out of the Towers by about 2:30 a.m-about half an hour before the second set of vans arrived.
According to my high level State Department source with a top security clearance, who disclosed the unusual nightly activity, no vans matching that description had entered the World Trade Center at such an hour in any of the weeks or months prior to that date. It was a unique event.
Security cameras caught the vans leaving the Towers at approximately 5 a.m…
For the next 10 to 12 nights, the same mysterious truck vans arrived at the World Trade Center at the same mysterious hour…The vans appeared at the World Trade Center from approximately August 23, 2001 until September 3 or 4, 2001. After that last night, they never appeared at the Towers again.
The vans were never heard of again, either. The 9/11 Commission was never informed of their surprising presence in the Towers three weeks before the 9/11 attack.”
Aware of the false flag attacks, Lindauer becomes a vocal anti-Zionist and activist. She is then jailed for being a “foreign agent” for opposing the coming Iraq War 2.
As a result the event had been used to significantly expand government power and infringe on civil liberties.
On September 11, 2001, “The New Pearl Harbor” the Zionists had foretold in the Project For a New American Century, The Grand Chessboard, and many other publications, finally takes place.
The same model is used again, this time on a much larger scale.
On the morning of September 11, three towers of the World Trade Center in New York City are destroyed by controlled demolition. Nearly 3,000 people are killed.
Within a few hours of the building demolitions, the Zionist press is already reporting, (prior to an investigation) that the 3 towers were demolished by airplanes crashing into the top of two of them. (Although only one airplane is shown hitting one tower.) As absurd as the story is, of hollow-tin-can airplanes knocking down 250,000 ton steel towers, anchored 70 feet underground into bedrock, (Headline: Flea crashes into oak tree!) the Zionist press goes wild repeating the story.
The press also claims, (on the same day of the attack, prior to an investigation) that the attack was arranged by Osama bin Laden, a wealthy Arab friend of the Bush family.
Although the story is completely absurd and totally impossible, the public is too shocked and traumatized by the events to notice at the time. And because there is such desperation for answers, and the Zionist press story is repeated so many times, from so many outlets, the public latches on to the story.
In fact the attack was carefully planned by the CIA and Mossad.
“Regarding what took place on September 11th, well it’s very good… it will generate immediate sympathy for Israel.”
The same day of the attacks, 5 Mossad agents are seen filming the towers falling from a distance and celebrating as they towers fall.
The day before the attack, Zionist Donald Rumsfeld had stated that over 2.3 trillion dollars in taxpayer money had simply vanished, stating:
“We cannot track 2.3 trillion dollars in transactions.”
At the time, this was nearly half of the money in the entire U.S. money supply.
The September 11 attack becomes the single most important event of all time in advancing the Zionist plan for world rule, surpassing even the Holocaust Hoax.
Several reports come in of 5 men kneeling on the roof of a white van in a parking lot and observing the twin towers from a distance. Witnesses say they were in position and watching the towers for a while prior to the “planes” and explosions.
The men are then seen taking video or photos of themselves with the World Trade Center burning in the background. One witness says:
She finds the behavior so suspicious that she takes down the license plate number of the van and calls police. A statewide bulletin is issued on the van and when it is located 5 men are arrested. The arresting officers state that the men, questioned separately, told inconsistent stories and were extremely suspicious.
One had $4,700 in cash hidden in his sock. Another is carrying two foreign passports. Bomb sniffing dogs alert on the vehicle for the presence of explosives. The men are all identified as Israeli nationals, Oded Ellner, Teron Schmuel, Sivan Kurzberg, Paul Kurzberg, and Omer Marmari .
They are questioned and remain in custody for approximately two months. At least one, Paul Kurzberg, fails a lie detector test.
An attorney for the 5 men, Steve Gordon claims that the men were simply “vacationing” in America and decided to work for a moving company during the vacation. The press does not ask any questions about the ridiculous story, despite an ongoing fervor surrounding the events of 9/11, and an avalanche of new legislation appearing, which creates a vast new surveillance system to spy on American citizens.
It is then revealed that less than 90 days prior to 9/11, the Federal Government had given a highly unusual large grant of $498,750 to the moving company the 5 Mossad agents “worked for.”
After being questioned by the FBI, the owner of the moving company, Dominik Suter, another Israeli, flees to Israel, essentially admitting guilt. He is never found and the 5 Mossad agents are released without charges. The press gives the story next virtually no coverage. No explanation is ever given for the grant money to Urban Moving Systems, and Israel is never held accountable for harboring Suter.
Corporate energy giant Enron files for bankruptcy. It is revealed that the company has been deliberately misreporting its revenues using creative and carefully planned deceptive accounting practices to defraud private investors and the U.S. government, who had provided Enron with enormous taxpayer subsidies.
Its founder and CEO Kenneth Lay, a close Bush family friend and campaign donor is convicted of fraud and conspiracy. At the time of the filing, it is the largest bankruptcy in U.S. history. The Zionist press uses the opportunity to attack “free markets” and broadcast the “dangers of capitalism.”
Of course, the exact opposite is true, as Congressman Ron Paul explains an article entitled The Truth About Enron in which he states:
“Enron provides a perfect example of the dangers of corporate subsidies.
The Export-Import bank, a program that Congress continues to fund with your tax dollars, essentially makes risky loans to foreign governments and businesses for projects involving American companies. The Bank, which purports to help developing nations, really acts as a naked subsidy for certain politically-favored American corporations- especially corporations like Enron that lobbied hard and gave huge amounts of cash to both political parties. Its reward was more that $600 million in cash via six different Ex-Im financed projects.
Enron similarly benefited from another federal boondoggle, the Overseas Private Investment Corporation. OPIC operates much like the Ex-Im Bank, providing taxpayer-funded loan guarantees for overseas projects, often in countries with shaky governments and economies. An OPIC spokesman claims the organization paid more than one billion dollars for 12 projects involving Enron, dollars that now may never be repaid. Once again, corporate welfare benefits certain interests at the expense of taxpayers.
The point is that Enron was intimately involved with the federal government. While most in Washington are busy devising ways to “save” investors with more government, we should be viewing the Enron mess as an argument for less government. It is precisely because government is so big and so thoroughly involved in every aspect of business that Enron felt the need to seek influence through campaign money. It is precisely because corporate welfare is so extensive that Enron cozied up to Congress and the Clinton administration. It’s a game every big corporation plays in our heavily regulated economy, because they must when the government, rather than the marketplace, distributes the spoils.
We should not allow criminal fraud in one company, which constitutionally is a matter for state law, to justify the imposition of burdensome new accounting and stock regulations.
We certainly should not allow the Enron collapse to be characterized as a failure of capitalism or free markets, because the opposite is true. The Enron collapse provides an example of how government does so much to prevent the market from working properly in the first place.”
Journalist Carl Cameron exposes a massive Zionist spy network operating in the U.S. He states in a televised report:
“Most directory assistance calls, and virtually all call records and billing in the United States are done for the phone companies by Amdocs Ltd., an Israeli-based private elecommunications company. Amdocs has contracts with the 25 biggest phone companies in America, and more worldwide…it is virtually impossible to make a call on normal phones without generating an Amdocs record of it.
In recent years, the FBI and other government agencies have investigated Amdocs more than once. The firm has repeatedly and adamantly denied any security breaches or wrongdoing. But sources tell Fox News that in 1999, the super secret National Security Agency (NSA), headquartered in northern Maryland, issued what’s called a Top Secret sensitive compartmentalized information report, TS/SCI, warning that records of calls in the United States were getting into foreign hands – in Israel, in particular.
…. An internal Amdocs memo to senior company executives suggests just how Amdocs generated call records could be used. “Widespread data mining techniques and algorithms…. combining both the properties of the customer (e.g., credit rating) and properties of the specific ‘behavior….’” Specific behavior, such as who the customers are calling.
The Amdocs memo says the system should be used to prevent phone fraud. But U.S. counterintelligence analysts say it could also be used to spy through the phone system. Fox News has learned that the N.S.A has held numerous classified conferences to warn the F.B.I. and C.I.A. how Amdocs records could be used. At one NSA briefing, a diagram by the Argon national lab was used to show that if the phone records are not secure, major security breaches are possible.
Another briefing document said,
“It has become increasingly apparent that systems and networks are vulnerable….Such crimes always involve unauthorized persons, or persons who exceed their authorization…citing on exploitable vulnerabilities.”
Those vulnerabilities are growing, because according to another briefing, the U.S. relies too much on foreign companies like Amdocs for high-tech equipment and software.
“Many factors [outsourcing of industry] have led to increased dependence on code developed overseas…. We buy rather than train or develop solutions.”
U.S. intelligence does not believe the Israeli government is involved in a misuse of information, and Amdocs insists that its data is secure. What U.S. government officials are worried about, however, is the possibility that Amdocs data could get into the wrong hands, particularly organized crime. And that would not be the first thing that such a thing has happened. Fox News has documents of a 1997 drug trafficking case in Los Angeles, in which telephone information, the type that Amdocs collects, was used to:
“completely compromise the communications of the FBI, the Secret Service, the DEO and the LAPD.”‘
Incoherent and half-baked explanations are offered to the clueless American public about why their tax dollars are being used and their children are being sent to fight in Afghanistan. The Zionist leaders no longer care. They own the media and nearly all of Congress, and there is nothing the people can do short of armed revolution, which they are too confused to organize as they don’t know who the enemy is.
Although Afghanistan has nothing to do with the 9/11 attacks, a New York Times article nearly 10 years later gives away the game. The article entitled Potential For Mining Boom Splits Factions in Afghanistan notes:
“If there is a road to a happy ending in Afghanistan, much of the path may run underground: in the trillion-dollar reservoir of natural resources — oil, gold, iron ore, copper, lithium and other minerals — that has brought hopes of a more self-sufficient country, if only the wealth can be wrested from blood-soaked soil.”
Like all inexplicable Zionist invasions or impoverished nations, this one is about resource looting. The American troops are serving as the police force to keep the Afghans at gunpoint while the trillion dollar resource looting operation is established. (As detailed in bullet point 3 of the Project For a New American Century’s 2000 report.)
Osama Bin Laden releases a statement. It does not make the news in the west:
“I was not involved in the September 11 attacks nor did I have knowledge of the attacks. There exists a government within a government within the United States. That secret government must be asked who carried out the attacks. The American system is totally in the control of the Jews, whose priority is Israel, not the United States.”
The Washington Institute for Near East Policy (WINEP) Board of Advisors, the Center for Security Policy (CSP), the American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research, the Project for the New American Century (PNAC), and the Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs (JINSA), the Bilderberg Group, and the Trilateral Commission.
“Even if we cannot prove to the standards that we enjoy in our own civil society that they were involved, we do know, for example, that Saddam Hussein has ties to Osama Bin Laden …”
Perle then went on a speaking tour in Europe to solicit additional funds and troops for the long planned Zio-war in Iraq, lying that Saddam Hussein possessed “Weapons of Mass Destruction.”
Later, after the war is over and it had been determined there were never any weapons of mass destruction, Perle, (who had helped author the Project for a New American Century) has the audacity to state:
“Huge mistakes were made, and I want to be very clear on this:
I’m getting damn tired of being described as an architect of the war.”
Perle went on a speaking tour in the U.S. and Europe, not so much to gain support, (as the Zionists control all the Western governments, and do what they want, when they want) but to “explain away” the use of the militaries and taxpayer funds of each nation.
Another 60 agents are arrested, who had been selling toys at kiosks in shopping centers across America. The FBI is reported to have been investigating this as a front operation for espionage activities. Because the the United States is totally subservient to Zionist rule, not a single one of the 200 are charged, and all are returned to Israel.
“the evidence before us at the moment doesn’t lead us to believe that the allegations are anything other than truthful and that therefore there are large numbers of civilian dead underneath these bulldozed and bombed ruins that we see.”
The press reports that only 500 were killed, and labels the genocidal massacre “The Battle of Jenin.”
David Rockefeller publishes his book Memoirs, in which he states:
“For more than a century, ideological extremists at either end of the political spectrum have seized upon well-publicized incidents to attack the Rockefeller family for the inordinate influence they claim we wield over American political and economic institutions. Some even believe we are part of a secret cabal working against the best interests of the United States, characterizing my family and me as “internationalists,” and of conspiring with others around the world to build a more integrated global political and economic structure – one world, if you will. If that’s the charge, I stand guilty, and I am proud of it.”
“…What looms over the horizon… a wide ranging war in locales from Central Asia to the Middle East and, unfortunately, back again to the United States… Afghanistan will prove but an opening battle… this war will not end in Afghanistan. It is going to spread and engulf a number of countries in conflicts of varying intensity. It could well require the use of American military power in multiple places simultaneously. It is going to resemble the clash of civilisation that everyone has hoped to avoid.”
‘The clash of civilisation that everyone has hoped to avoid” is of course, precisely what the PNAC had recommended for America’s foreign policy in their report just prior to 9/11, when they called for several simultaneous “large scale” wars.
With public a The Department of Homeland Security is created. It allows for taxpayer-funded, unconstitutional spying on Americans by the Zionist intelligence machine under the guise of fighting “terror.”
To convince the public to go along with the new infringement on civil liberties, all that is needed is more false flag terror.
A series of fake “bombing” attacks are created then “thwarted” by the CIA and FBI, proving how serious the terror threat suddenly “is.”
In one case, a CIA operative Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab is “caught” wearing explosives inside his underwear and attempting to board an airplane. Apparently the CIA thought this would be an amusing way to poke fun at the American public. He is referred to by the Zionist press as “The Underwear Bomber.” It is later revealed he is only a CIA operative who was running yet another false flag. The press does not give much attention to the extraordinary revelation.
The CIA also rolls out a “shoe bomber”, a “Times Square Bomber”, and a Dirty Bomber” and various others.
In many cases the intelligence agencies are exposed as the culprit, but they get away with a few.
A routine traffic stop in Cloudcroft, New Mexico reveals yet another moving truck driven by two Israeli intelligence agents. Police chief Gene Greene who made the stop states:
“They said this is a U-Haul truck and handed me a rental agreement (for) in-town delivery only in Illinois, (which) had expired two days before…We got them out and started digging a little deeper…got permission to search the truck. They claimed they were hauling furniture from Austin to Chicago.”
When officers advise the men they are hundreds of miles from the route connecting Austin and Chicago the men change their story and say they are headed to Deming, New Mexico.
“But they couldn’t give us an address in Deming they were going to,” Greene states.
“Once we got into the truck, they had some junk furniture I wouldn’t have given to Goodwill.”
Greene also states that they found 50 sealed containers they claimed was a “private” delivery, but they insist they have no “idea what was in them.” The mean are released without charges and return to Israel. The public never learns what was in the sealed containers.
A 23-year old American girl in Palestine, Rachel Corrie is killed when she is deliberately run over by an Israeli driving an armored bulldozer. Corrie, an activist in Palestine protesting the genocide of the Palestinian people by Israel, had attempted to stop the demolition of the home of a Palestinian family by standing in front of the house. Although she was wearing a bright neon-colored jacket and speaking into a bullhorn, and although witnesses state the driver shouted at her more than once before running over her, and then backed over her while she was the ground, the press claims the murder was an “accident.” Corrie’s last words are “I think my back is broken.”
3 years later a play called My Name is Corrie, which debuts at the Royal Court Theatre in London wins the Theatregoers’ Choice Awards for Best Director and Best New Play. When the play is scheduled to appear at theaters in New York, “outrage” and claims of “anti-Semitism” from the “Jewish” “Community” result in the cancellation of the performance. Americans never learn of the events, which don’t appear in the Zionist press at all.
With public a Kathleen Sullivan, a victim of the CIA’s mind control program publishes Unshackled: A Survivor’s Story of Mind Control, in which she states:
I was also forcibly used by members of an international network, code-named the Octopus, that included alleged CIA employees and contractors, members from several Mafia families, and more.
I was taken to numerous U.S. military bases and government facilities over a period of more than thirty years.
In 1991, George HW Bush’s “Iraq War 1” had been ended on the day of Purim, a holiday for practitioners of Judaism which commemorates a mass killing in ancient Babylon.(today known as Iraq)
All that is needed is a silly story about Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein having “Weapons of Mass Destruction” to get the war started. The story, based on nothing, is repeated in the press 100 million times for good measure. Saddam becomes the Hitler of the 21st century and the Weapons of Mass Destruction become the new Holocaust Hoax.
In his book Confessions of an Economic Hitman, Zionist insider John Perkins explains the method for overthrowing countries and looting their resources and how it has evolved over the past century.
“Economic hit men (EHMs) are highly paid professionals who cheat countries around the globe out of trillions of dollars. They funnel money from the World Bank, the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), and other foreign “aid” organizations into the coffers of huge corporations and the pockets of a few wealthy families who control the planet’s natural resources. Their tools include fraudulent financial reports, rigged elections, payoffs, extortion, sex, and murder. They play a game as old as empire, but one that has taken on new and terrifying dimensions during this time of globalization. I should know; I was an EHM.”
“The Vice President’s son, George W. Bush. His first energy company, Arbusto (Spanish for bush) was a failure that ultimately was rescued through a 1984 merger with Spectrum 7- Then Spectrum 7 found itself poised at the brink of bankruptcy, and was purchased, in 1986, by Harken Energy Corporation; G. W. Bush was retained as a board member and consultant with an annual salary of $120,000.
We all assumed that having a father who was the U.S. vice president factored into this hiring decision, since the younger Bush’s record of accomplishment as an oil executive certainly did not warrant it. It also seemed no coincidence that Harken took this opportunity to branch out into the international field for the first time in its corporate history, and to begin actively searching for oil investments in the Middle East. Vanity Fair magazine reported, “Once Bush took his seat on the board, wonderful things started to happen to Harken — new investments, unexpected sources of financing, serendipitous drilling rights.”
“What has been happening over the years is a predictable routine of foreign visitation from the head of the Israeli government. The Israeli puppeteer travels to Washington. The Israeli puppeteer meets with the puppet in the White House, and then moves down Pennsylvania Avenue, and meets with the puppets in Congress. And then takes back billions of taxpayer dollars.”
For observing the obvious, Nader is smeared relentlessly in the press and labeled an anti-Semite.
Putin will gradually be surrounded, and the eventual plan is to fool the U.S. into attacking Putin and finishing the job, as is always with case with the more difficult Zionist opponents.
Never Again? The Threat Of The New Anti-Semitism in which he attacks Christians and expresses his desire to eliminate Christianity, stating:
“…With every annual reading or reenactment of the story of the death of Jesus in Christian churches, millions of Christians imbibed the notion that the Jews had been guilty of the worst crime in history.
In typical Marxist double-speak, accusing your opponent of exactly what you are currently doing, Foxman claims that Christians are secretly planning to overthrow their own country, stating:
“part of a broader strategy to transform American government into a wholly owned subsidiary of the evangelical movement… They seek the power to impose that faith on everyone in America…”
“You can’t have an Israel policy other than what AIPAC gives you around here. I have followed them mostly in the main, but I have also resisted signing certain letters from time to time, to give the poor President a chance. I can tell you no President takes office I don’t care whether it is a Republican or a Democrat…. that all of a sudden AIPAC will tell him exactly what the policy is….”
U.S. Department of Defense employee Larry Franklin is caught passing classified information to Steven Rosen and Keith Weissman, the leaders of AIPAC (American Israel Public Affairs Committee) the lobbying group for Israel. A search of Franklin’s home reveals 83 classified documents. He is charged with 5 counts of espionage. Weissman and Rosen are also charged under the Espionage Act. Franklin receives 8 years in prison. Weissman and Rosen’s charged are dismissed. The Zionist press ignores the enormous scandal and most Americans never learn of it.
It is revealed that President George W Bush has indebted the United States to the Zionist international bankers more in just 4 years than all 42 prior U.S. presidents combined.
“Israeli commandos had been operating on Iraqi territory for more than a year, the focus of their activities being the assassination of Iraqi scientists and intellectuals. The Zionists resorted to the large-scale assassination campaign after the failure of American efforts that started immediately after the American occupation of Iraq, aimed at attracting a number of Iraqi scientists to cooperate and go to work in the United States…Some Iraqi scientists were forced to work in American research centers; however, the majority of them refused to cooperate in certain fields and fled the U.S. to other countries.”
The explanation offered by Israel, is that the intellectuals were working on developing “nuclear weapons.”
A series of hearings is held in Brussels known as the Brussels Tribunal, which issues a statement which reveals that the murders have nothing to do with nuclear weapons or scientists, but is a standard Marxist purge targeting ALL intellectuals. It includes the following:
“… there is a campaign to strip Iraq of its academics, to complete the destruction of Iraq’s cultural identity which began when the American army entered Baghdad….non-partisan and non-sectarian, targeting women as well as men, countrywide, indiscriminate of expertise: professors of geography, history and Arabic literature as well as science are among the dead.”
It also notes that, of course, no suspects have been apprehended for any of the murders.
“I’ve checked out Churchill’s Second World War and …not a single mention of Nazi, ‘gas chambers,’ a, ‘genocide of the Jews,’ or of, ‘six million,’ Jewish victims of the war.
This is astonishing. How can it be explained?
Eisenhower’s, ‘Crusade in Europe,’ is a book of 559 pages; the six volumes of Churchill’s, ‘Second World War,’ total 4,448 pages; and de Gaulle’s three-volume, ‘Memoires de guerre,’ is 2,054 pages.
In this mass of writing which altogether totals 7,061 pages (not including the introductory parts), published from 1948 to 1959, one will find no mention either of Nazi ‘gas chambers,’ a, ‘genocide,’ of the Jews, or of, ‘six million,’ Jewish victims of the war.”
The only reason there is no mention of the Holocaust in 7,000 pages of first hand recollection, is that it never happened.
Many speakers present irrefutable proof that the Holocaust was fictional. The conference concludes that at minimum discussion of the Holocaust should be allowed, and people should be permitted “find out the truth about holocaust” without being persecuted themselves simply for their inquiry.
In response Zionist-Communist puppet leaders from many nations are required to issue statements attacking the event in general, not addressing the facts or content presented, but simply claiming without evidence that those in attendance are “racists” and “anti-semites.”
French Foreign Minister Philippe Douste-Blazy proclaims his hatred for free speech ‘platforms’ stating:
“I reiterate our utter condemnation of this conference and the revisionist ideas it’s given a platform to.”
German Chancellor Angel Kasner (Merkel to conceal her identity) states:
“I would like to make clear that we reject with all our strength the conference taking place in Iran about the supposed nonexistence of the Holocaust.”
George W Bush calls it an:
Canadian Minister of Foreign Affairs Peter MacKay states:
“Canada’s new government and I am sure many others in this House (of Commons) and around the globe condemn this conference..”
The Zionist press does not cover the event, or the irrefutable facts presented by the speakers in attendance.
Dr. Steven Jones of Brigham Young University publishes a paper entitled Why Indeed Did the WTC Buildings Completely Collapse? in which he demonstrates that none of the 3 towers could have collapsed from being impacted by airplanes on 9/11.
BYU forces Jones to retire and issues a statement which suggests that “science” is not for public consumption and should be manufactured behind closed doors:
“Brigham Young University has a policy of academic freedom that supports the pursuit and dissemination of knowledge and ideas. Through the academic process, ideas should be advanced, challenged, and debated by peer-review in credible venues…The university is aware that Professor Steven Jones’ hypotheses and interpretations of evidence regarding the collapse of World Trade Center buildings are being questioned by a number of scholars and practitioners, including many of BYU’s own faculty members. Professor Jones’ department and college administrators are not convinced that his analyses and hypotheses have been submitted to relevant scientific venues that would ensure rigorous technical peer review.”
He states that he has never been able to find any information which supports the media Holocaust story.
” I dont think there was any overall Reich policy to kill the Jews. If there was, they would have been killed and there would not now be so many millions of survivors. And believe me, I am glad for every survivor that there was.”
a) that it fits in with the month you said you went to Auschwitz and
b) it is not a number which anyone used before….
The Jews are very foolish not to abandon the gas chamber theory while they still have time.”
He spends the year 2006 in prison for the crime of:
“Trivialising, grossly playing down and denying the Holocaust”
Those who know too much are enemies of the state. Only useful idiots are needed.
Americans never learn of the existence of the sculpture or the gesture from Putin.
In a televised interview with TV network Democracy Now! four star U.S. Army General Wesley Clark discusses events which took place in the days after 9/11. He states:
“About 10 days after 9/11 I went through the Pentagon and I saw secretary Rumsfeld and Deputy Secretary Wolfowitz. I went downstairs just to say hello to some of the people on the Joint Staff who used to work for me, and one of the generals called me in… He said,
“We’ve made the decision we’re going to war with Iraq.” This was on or about the 20th of September…So I said, “Well, did they find some information connecting Saddam to al-Qaeda?” He said, “No, no.” He says,
“There’s nothing new that way. They just made the decision to go to war with Iraq.” He said, “I guess it’s like we don’t know what to do about terrorists, but we’ve got a good military and we can take down governments.” And he said, “I guess if the only tool you have is a hammer, every problem has to look like a nail.”
So I came back to see him a few weeks later, and by that time we were bombing in Afghanistan. I said,
“I am truly grateful to be invited to such a representative conference that has assembled politicians, military officials, entrepreneurs and experts from more than 40 nations.
This conference’s structure allows me to avoid excessive politeness and the need to speak in roundabout, pleasant but empty diplomatic terms. This conference’s format will allow me to say what I really think about international security problems….
What is a unipolar world? However one might embellish this term, at the end of the day it refers to one type of situation, namely one centre of authority, one centre of force, one centre of decision-making. (world government, new world order) It is world in which there is one master, one sovereign. And at the end of the day this is pernicious not only for all those within this system, but also for the sovereign itself because it destroys itself from within.
And this certainly has nothing in common with democracy. Because, as you know, democracy is the power of the majority in light of the interests and opinions of the minority.
Incidentally, Russia – we – are constantly being taught about democracy. But for some reason those who teach us do not want to learn themselves…
I consider that the unipolar model is not only unacceptable but also impossible in today’s world.
Along with this, what is happening in today’s world – and we just started to discuss this – is a tentative to introduce precisely this concept into international affairs, the concept of a unipolar world.
And with which results?
Unilateral and frequently illegitimate actions have not resolved any problems. Moreover, they have caused new human tragedies and created new centres of tension. Judge for yourselves: wars as well as local and regional conflicts have not diminished…
who likes this? Who is happy about this?
…No one feels safe! Because no one can feel that international law is like a stone wall that will protect them. Of course such a policy stimulates an arms race.
The need for principles such as openness, transparency and predictability in politics is uncontested and the use of force should be a really exceptional measure, comparable to using the death penalty in the judicial systems of certain states.
However, today we are witnessing the opposite tendency, namely a situation in which countries that forbid the death penalty even for murderers and other, dangerous criminals are airily participating in military operations that are difficult to consider legitimate. And as a matter of fact, these conflicts are killing people – hundreds and thousands of civilians!”
The Zionists are livid. For a prominent world leader to make a speech at a global conference which openly opposes Zionist world rule is as great a threat to their plans as there has been in recent memory.
Over the coming decade, the Zionists will go on a propaganda blitz against Putin like no other leader in history. The word “dangerous” in the Zionist press always means the same thing: Dangerous for the Zionist plan for world government.
He had built over 6,000 new schools.
In 1977 his government was overthrown by a CIA coup and Bhutto was hanged. He was replaced by a Zio-puppet Muhammad Zia-ul-Haq.
In 2007 his daughter Benazir Bhutto, a nationalist and anti-Zionist activist is running for Prime Minister.
She writes a paper entitled A False Choice for Pakistan, in which she addressed the Zionist policy of propping up dictators to enslave the population while resources are looted. She stated:
“When the [Zionist] United States [government] aligns with dictatorships and totalitarian regimes, it compromises the basic democratic principles of its foundation — namely, life, liberty and justice for all. Dictatorships such as [Zio-puppet Pervez] Musharraf’s suppress individual rights and freedoms and empower the most extreme elements of society. Oppressed citizens, unable to represent themselves through other means, often turn to extremism and religious fundamentalism…
Over the past year, Musharraf – known here as “Bush-arraf” on account of Washington’s role in propping up his failing dictatorship – has presided over one of Pakistan’s most turbulent periods in its 60-year history.
Musharraf’s regime exploits the judicial system as yet another instrument of coercion and intimidation to consolidate its illegitimate power. But the politics of personal destruction will not prevent me and other party leaders from bringing our case before the people of our nation this year, even if that could lead to imprisonment…In this environment, violence is all too predictable. And the enabling complicity of the U.S. should alarm all observers.”
After speaking at a campaign rally in December 2007, while leaving Bhutto is shot twice in the neck and once through the forehead by snipers. Moments later an explosion takes place, to make the cause of death appear to be a “terrorist” bombing. The press reports that the fictional “Al-Qaeda” has killed Bhutto.
In fact she had survived an assassination attempt 2 months prior when explosives were detonated in front of the vehicle she was in, killing 180 people but missing her vehicle.
This time the snipers are used to ensure the job is completed, just before the explosives are set off.
In May 2007, Bhutto had asked for additional protection from foreign contracting agencies Blackwater and the British firm ArmorGroup.
The United Nations’ investigation of the incident reveals that,
“Ms. Bhutto’s assassination could have been prevented if adequate security measures had been taken.”
During the campaign, it is revealed that Obama was born in Kenya, not in Hawaii as the press had claimed. Being born outside the United States makes Obama ineligible to run for President.
To complete the cover-up, CIA agents piece together a surprisingly sloppy fake birth certificate showing Obama was born in Hawaii. The photo editing software used to create it reveals the order in which the layers of it were patched together. A web search for the fake certificate reveals many points of forgery on the CIA certificate.
In 2012, when Breitbart News Organization discovers a booklet published in 1991 revealing that Obama was born in Kenya, founder Andrew Breitbart is suddenly found dead. The Zionist press claims that Breitbart had been walking near his home and suddenly collapsed when his heart simply stopped beating at age 43.
Under duress, the company that published the 1991 booklet, Acton and Dystel issues a statement:
“There was never any information given to us by Obama in any of his correspondence or other communications suggesting in any way that he was born in Kenya and not Hawaii. I hope you can communicate to your readers that this was a simple mistake and nothing more.”
So, if we understand properly, there is Nothing To See Here. The word Kenya was a typo. Someone’s finger slipped, causing them type in the word Kenya, the same place listed on Obama’s birth certificate, when they meant to type Hawaii, the place that would appear on the CIA birth certificate 17 years later.
to Acton and Dystel, so it would have been Obama who accidentally listed his own birthplace as Kenya.)
Under Obama, Zionist power over the U.S. increased at a rate never before seen, except during a period under FDR in the 1930’s. Obama becomes the second worst President in U.S. history, with the exception of FDR, who is in a class by himself.
author James Bamford describes how illegal spying on American citizens is not only being done by the U.S. government, but has been actually been outsourced to several companies closely linked to Israeli intelligence.
While the the news had already leaked out that the two largest American telecom companies, AT&T and Verizon are collaborating with the US government to allow illegal eavesdropping on their customers, Bamford reveals that:
In 2008 a “subprime lending crisis” emerges, when it is revealed that highly toxic “mortgage backed securities” had been created, by packaging subprime mortgage loans (loans to borrowers with credit scores in the 500’s and lower) into bundles and then selling them. An investor could purchase a bundle of these “guaranteed-to-fail” loans.
To make matters worse, securities traders could gamble on whether such loans would fail.
By the end of 2007 the amount of outstanding credit default swaps was over $62 trillion, an amount over 40 times the total money supply in existence. (Oops!)
To complete a pre-manufactured economic and housing crisis, the Federal Reserve central bank pumps the U.S. economy full of cash with easy money policies causing real estate prices to skyrocket.
But the Zionist international banks who control the Fed did quite well.
A few of the many benefits of the crash:
-Competition from many smaller banks was crushed. A look at the FDIC’s failed bank list reveals many small community banks, credit unions, and mostly banks who had no responsibility for causing the crash.
-The Zionist central bank was able to appear to be the savior of the market they destroyed by injecting monetary relief into the system.
-Although big banks appeared to lose money by selling millions of bank owned homes for half of what they had sold for a few years earlier, they actually made money since most of the homes were purchased for pennies on the dollar when companies like Countrywide, Wachovia, Washington Mutual and Indymac were scooped up by Chase, HSBC, Bank of America and Wells Fargo.
-All of the 5 largest banks in the U.S. saw one or more years with record profit between 2008 and 2013.
-New Marxist competition crushing regulations were drafted (in advance of the crisis) and then presented as the solution. The regulations are, as always, crafted so that the large banks can easily handle them, while smaller ones will be put out of business.
In an article which appeared in the DesMoines Register, Erik Skovgard, president of Community Bankers of Iowa made a statement which encapsulates the entire purpose of most regulations on businesses in the United States:
“We feel like we’re being punished for the sins of the big banks.”
Though polls show as many as 98% of Americans opposed to the ridiculous plan, the government has not been in the hands of the people for 100 years. A bill is drafted it passes through Congress with strong support from Democrats and 50% support from Republicans. President Bush signs it into law. It is known as the Emergency Economic Stabilization Act of 2008. The banks receive a massive “bailout” from taxpayers.
The explanation given to the public by the Zionist press is that “terrorists” had been firing rockets into Israel.
Of course these false flag “attacks” are always arranged by Mossad, or never take place at all.
The fake social media accounts are created and used to promote Communism and attack and shout down anyone online who opposes it.
When people make truthful comments about what they observe they are suddenly swarmed by an army of online profiles, many of whom appear to be fit and attractive young people who have attractive friends, but all of whom are oddly militant Communists. (real Communists are never fit or attractive. Only misfits buy into Communism.)
This swarm attacks pro-Americans’ personal character, accusing them of racism, bigotry and various phobias, and then leaves the scene in a huff but without ever having a serious debate on the issues.
The tactic proves extraordinarily effective at making people feel overwhelmed by a (non-existent) wave of Marxism, but more importantly it convinces real observers, especially young ones, that such a movement exists, and they want in on it. The fake accounts rapidly increase in number, and follow each other so it appears each one is a popular person with lots of followers who really exist.
By the year 2020, 70 to 100 million fake accounts will control all online discourse worldwide, scouring people’s Twitter and Facebook history and dragging them out for public destruction if any non-conforming thought has been voiced at any time. Gradually free speech fades away and thought crimes become punishable by online execution. (deplatforming)
Project BLUEBIRD enters its final phase. Total public mind control.
The press states that bin Laden was killed by a group of Navy SEALs known as SEAL Team 6.
(In a related story, SEAL Team 6 had been placed under authority of the CIA just prior to the event.)
They claim that the Navy SEALs had swarmed Bin Laden’s secret hideout and found the old man wearing a loose fitting tunic, and immediately shot and killed him rather than arrest and question the world’s most wanted man to gain information.
Then, to demonstrate just how little they think of the American public, the Zionists state that they have discarded bin Laden in the “sea” in accordance with “Islamic tradition”.
Why such a tradition would suddenly be enacted by the U.S. military (who does not follow any “Islamic” practices) without notice, and without precedent, to dispose of the most wanted man in the nation’s history is not something for which an explanation is offered.
Unfortunately for SEAL Team 6, like anyone involved in a highly publicized Zionist hoax, they will have to be killed to prevent the fictional event from being exposed.
In direct violation of Naval regulations, all 22 members of one of the U.S.’s most elite military units are all placed aboard the same helicopter together. The helicopter is then flown unaccompanied into the most dangerous part of Afghanistan where it is, of course shot down by rocket propelled grenades.
Charlie Strange, the father of one of the men killed in the helicopter explains how the SEALs were betrayed:
“Somebody was leaking to the Taliban. They knew. Somebody tipped them off. There were guys in a tower. Guys on the bush line. They were sitting there, waiting. And they sent our guys right into the middle.”
In an interview with The Guardian, Pulitzer Prize winning journalist and author Syemour Hersh states that the killing of Osama bin Laden is a hoax and in fact “one big lie.”
“Not one word of it is true,” he states with regard to the official story about the killing and disposing of Bin Laden.
Whatever they accuse you of, they are doing themselves.
The “Zionist Spring” is referred to by the press as the “Arab Spring.”
In Egypt, Yemen and Tunisia regime changes are achieved.
In Tunisia, president Zine El Abidine Ben Ali is ousted and flees the country, and is replaced by a more “pro-Western” (pro-Zionist) regime. He had promoted Middle East peace. (Which would mean an end to Greater Israel.) Although his rule had been plagued by corruption, the reason for his removal is his independence from Zionist control. Prior to the “revolution”, Zionist madman Elliott Abrams had stated:
“Tunisia should have the ability to sustain a democratic government — once the Ben Ali regime collapses.”
In Yemen, President Ali Abdullah Saleh is opposed by a Zionist controlled hedge fund group known as the Gulf Cooperation Council. After Saleh refuses to sign a council agreement he is targeted with assasination attempt. He survives but then resigns.
In Syria, protests are put down by popular Syrian President Bashar-Al Assad. As a result Assad becomes the victim of a non-stop propaganda campaign in the Zionist press in every Western nation.
Preposterous stories are made up about Assad using chemical weapons against his own citizens, and being a “dictator” or “strong man.” In reality he is a mild mannered physician who seeks peace in the region. (which by definition makes him an opponent of Israel.)
In Bahrain, a few protest marches are held but have little impact. Thousands are arrested and a handful are killed.
Libya is ruled by the popular Muammar Gaddafi, who has worked for decades to free Africa from Zionist rule. He had promoted the concept of a United States of Africa, which would share a currency and set up a military alliance with South America similar to NATO in the North. He is also a nationalist who has deported foreign workers, provided free electricity, and created massive public works programs like the Man-Made River, the worlds largest irrigation project.
But the most important element in the Zionist decision to regime change Libya is Ghaddafi’s decision to stop selling oil in U.S. dollars. He begins a process to move Africa to a single currency, a gold dinar.
This is a disaster for Zionist rule for countless reasons.
If Africans were freed, it would also jeopardize the vast Zionist resource looting machine across Africa, which is centuries in the making.
“We must not tolerate this regime using military force against its own people,”
Zionist-owned pedophile and British Prime minister David Cameron, suddenly decides.
“We hope he can be captured or killed soon. Nothing is off the table so long as the Libyan government continues to threaten and kill Libyans.”
(Libyans, doncha see. Its Libyan people the Zio-police care about. Palestinian women and children, mustard gas is fine for them. Iraqi women and children, they can be bulldozed alive. But Libyans, that is where we draw the line.)
“Those who perpetrate violence against the Libyan people will be held accountable,” states Barack Obama. (What? Since when? Says who?)
The CIA/Mossad street “protests” are unleashed. The protesters gain control of Benghazi, Libya’s 2nd largest city. They attempt to set up an opposition government in Benghazi, but Ghaddafi’s forces put down the uprising.
The Zionists are livid. The pretense of an “uprising by Libyan rebels” is abandoned. The mask comes off.
In what equates to an admission the whole thing was a Zio-operation all along, and not a “rebel” uprising, NATO airstrikes are now used, killing Ghaddafi’s son and 3 of his grandsons.
Libya descends into chaos and then is quickly abandoned by the Zionist leaders (who cared only for the well-being of “The Libyan People” just weeks ago.)
But the region is not abandoned by Zionist resource looters. AGOCO (Arabian Gulf Oil Company) is a moniker used to disguise Zionist oil interests and make them appear to be “Arabian.”
With Ghaddahfi out of the way and Libya reduced to miscellaneous collections of terror groups and peasants fighting for control, AGOCO can loot the resources of Africa’s most oil-rich nation unopposed.
A 2012 Reuters article notes:
“Benghazi-based Agoco, Libya’s biggest crude producer, was the first to restart production after last year’s war…”
A 2020 headline in the Libya Herald reads:
Certain events reveal who is behind the Arab Spring. We have seen this movie before. The ‘Arab Spring’ is just another round of Communist revolutions to depose nationalist leaders, loot natural resources, and kill off Christians.
Assad manages to stand his ground in Syria. The Zionist failure to depose him has put the complete takeover of the Middle East on hold. Like Putin, Assad will become a target of constant propaganda, all of it false.
In the Gaza strip, Israel unleashes “Operation Pillar of Defense.” Using more than 1,500 airstrikes, the Israelis kill 174 Palestinian civilians and wound hundreds more. A UN report notes that Israel’s response (to allegations of Palestinian “attacks” which killed no one) was outrageous, and that Israel had “failed in many instances to respect international law”, and that it did not “consistently uphold the basic principles of conduct of hostilities, namely, the principles of distinction, proportionality and precautions.”
U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton makes public threats directed toward both Russia and China for not letting the Zionists have Syria, stating:
“I do not believe that Russia and China are paying any price at all – nothing at all – for standing up on behalf of the Assad regime. The only way that will change is if every nation represented here directly and urgently makes it clear that Russia and China will pay a price.”
At this stage there is little the Zionists want more than a major World War pitting the U.S. and a NATO “coalition” of Zionist run nations against Russia, Syria, Iran and any other remaining “independent” nation, and eventually bring in China to finish off the U.S. The stage is not set yet, however, and more building will need to be done. The press campaign against Putin continues to ratchet up.
Meanwhile Russian President Vladimir Putin attempts to strengthen democracy worldwide and to fight government corruption, limit government power, and increase transparency, pointing out that the time has arrived to give ordinary citizens a voice in political affairs by way of the internet. He writes an article stating:
“Democracy, in my view, is the fundamental right of the people to elect their government as well as to continuously influence it and the decision-making process. In this regard, I propose introducing a rule for a mandatory parliamentary review of ANY legislative initiative that has more than 100,000 supporting signatures on the Internet.
Internet-based democracy should be integrated into the overall development of institutions, especially at the municipal and regional levels, creating a referendum-based democracy.
Local self-government is a school of civil responsibility….
…Many view public service as a source of fast and easy cash. As long as this incentive exists, purges will be useless — unmasked thieves will only be replaced by others.
To combat systemic corruption we need to unbundle power and property and to separate executive power from the system of checks over it.
An official in such a role should be eligible for a high salary but should agree to absolute transparency, including declaring their expenses and big family purchases, current place of residence, how they pay for vacations and so on.
Above all, we should make justice available to everyone by introducing administrative proceedings not only for businesses but also to hear disputes between citizens and officials. Civic organizations will be granted the right to file lawsuits with the aim of defending their members’ interests. A common database of all arbitration-court decisions is operational and accessible to all; now, we have to set up a similar database across the courts of general jurisdiction. We will act consistently, reasonably and with determination. We will eliminate the root causes of corruption and punish particular officials. We defeated oligarchy. We will surely defeat corruption.”
The Zionist press screeches and pulls its eyeballs out. The thought of such transparency is a Marxists worst nightmare.
After this the tone changes. Assassinations are attempted. The world must be prevented from hearing Putin speak at all costs.
“Does the NSA collect any type of data at all on millions or hundreds of millions of Americans?”
Clapper responds:
“No, sir.”
Wyden asks again:
“It does not?”
Clapper lies again:
“Not wittingly. There are cases where they could inadvertently, perhaps, collect, but not wittingly.”
9 weeks later a U.S. intelligence agent, Edward Snowden who has discovered a completely illegal mass surveillance program in which every U.S. citizen is being spied on by the NSA with no oversight and no accountability, releases highly classified documents which prove that the program is currently ongoing and that the entire U.S. population has been betrayed by its government.
Every single keystroke, every document, and every spoken word within range of a listening device is being recorded and stored in enormous data facilities.
Webcams are photographing users in their homes and storing the images, many of which are sexually explicit and can be used for blackmail.
The Zionists go into sheer panic as the action by Snowden is so damaging it puts the entire world government scheme at risk.
The immense power of the press is then revealed.
Incredibly, the ploy works.
There is no march on Washington, D.C.
Snowden is then charged with a list of crimes for his heroic actions, forcing him to flee the country. He wisely heads to Russia, one of the few places on earth not under Zionist rule. There he is granted asylum.
Snowden later reveals that seeing Clapper lie to the American public in front of Congress was the last straw which made him risk everything to reveal the program. He states:
“Sort of the breaking point was seeing the director of national intelligence, James Clapper, directly lie under oath to Congress… Seeing that really meant for me there was no going back.”
The Zionists now want control of the region and its vast resources, strategic location, and as part of a continuing effort to surround Putin’s Russia and dominate and depopulate the Middle East.
A series of events leads to the desired Zio-regime change in Ukraine.
In 2007, a propaganda campaign had heavily promoted the attractive but Zionist owned and pro-EU candidate Yulia Tymoshenko, who is secretly Jewish. She was elected Prime Minister.
In 2010, criminal charges are filed against Tymoshenko which lead to her arrest and imprisonment.
The press in the west which rarely says much about Ukraine, suddenly weighs in, defending Tymoshenko and calling her prosecution “selective justice” and “political persecution.”
Viktor Yanukovich then becomes president. He is not Zionist owned, and although he is open to working with the EU and NATO he views them with skepticism.
In 2012, a statement is issued by the Zio-Globalist EU Foreign Affairs Council (equivalent of the CFR in the U.S.) which claims that the council:
“reaffirms its commitment to the signing of the already initialed Association Agreement, including a Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Area, as soon as the Ukrainian authorities demonstrate determined action and tangible progress in the three areas mentioned above… “Electoral, judiciary and constitutional reforms.”
This of course translates to allowing unchecked Zionist resource looting, and foreign rule of Ukraine by remaking the government and staffing all important posts with controlled Marxists and/or pedophiles who will govern as they are told.
In late 2013, negotiations for joining the EU begin to fall apart, as Yanukovych’s government is uncomfortable with the level of control already being exerted by the EU, even prior to signing the agreement.
Like a pizza, “regime change” is immediately ordered for Ukraine.
In early 2014, CIA-Mossad arranged “protests” “spontaneously” break out, with rent-a-mobs opposing Yanukovych and “demanding” his resignation.
The mobs gather in the capital of Kiev carrying thousands of professionally pre-printed protest signs with clever CIA-written slogans (printed in English for the Western Press Propaganda Photo-Ops.)
Western politicians begin appearing in Ukraine and making speeches at the protests, pretending it is a fight for “freedom” by those opposing tyranny. Of course is it the exact opposite.
The pedophile John Mccain states: (in typical Marxist-opposite-speak)
“We are here to support your just cause, the sovereign right of Ukraine to determine its own destiny freely and independently. And the destiny you seek lies in Europe,”
Victora Nudelman (Nuland to conceal her identity), the wife of Robert Kagan (Project for a New American Century) also makes an appearance in support of the Marxist regime-change.
As protesters swarm, city workers call for police to restore order. 400 officers appear and make a handful of arrests. Although no one is killed and a small number of protesters sustain minor injuries, the Zionist press goes on a propaganda rampage, claiming the genocidal dictator Putin is responsible for a “bloody crackdown.”
Finally when “protesters” locate and enter Yanukovych’s home, he is forced to flee the country.
The population of Ukraine is outraged. Nearly all of them are ethnic Russians, and strongly in favor of alliances with Putin Their country has been hijacked and they are now subjects of the EU-Zio tyranny.
Yatsenyuk, the new president heads to the U.S. for a photo-op with President Obama.
Zionist corporations move in and loot the resources.
Prior to the overthrow of Yanukovych, Nudelman-Nuland had been caught on a wiretapped phone call discussing the overthrow plan and the candidates to run the new Zio-government stating:
“I think Yats (Jewish laywer and accountant Arseniy Yatsenyuk) is the guy who’s got the economic experience, the governing experience. What he needs is Klitsch and Tyahnybok on the outside.”
The phone call recording is posted to Youtube. Youtube then removes it hundreds of times, but it can still be found online.
Humiliated, western leaders are forced to comment on the phone call. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton ignores the content of the leak and goes with the usual attacks on Putin, stating:
“the Russians were not just stealing information for intelligence purposes, as all countries do; they were now using social media and strategic leaks to ‘weaponize’ that information.”
Crimean people are Russian, and like Russia and Ukraine, strongly opposed to Zionist rule.
In 2006 there had been protests by Crimeans against a joint exercise with NATO which included chants of “Occupiers Go Home.” Parliament had then issued a declaration that Crimea is a “NATO-free territory.”
Crimea is essentially a large island in the Black Sea, just south of Ukraine, and a strategically critical location in the region. With Ukraine in hand, the Zionists must have Crimea immediately.
Right on cue the fake mobs appear, protesting the elected Crimean government and demanding Crimea be annexed by Ukraine, which is now EU-Zionist ruled.
The Zionists scream in horror. How dare the Crimean people have the audacity to hold a vote to determine their own fate.
Large fake protests are held in Ukraine demanding that Crimea be returned to Ukraine. The protests are widely broadcast in the west.
Russia honors Crimea’s vote and formally incorporates it into the Russian Federation.
A mass propaganda campaign suddenly appears in the west, where news of Crimea is never, ever reported.
“Russia Invades Crimea!” the headlines squeal.
A media firestorm around the clock for weeks demands that the world share the Zionist outrage at the brilliance of Putin.
Of course, no violence follows the so-called “annexation,” as it was exactly what the people voted for.
The Zionists go back to staring at the chessboard, foiled once again by Putin.
Islamic terrorists calling themselves “ISIS” have emerged. They carry weapons with U.S. serial numbers on them, and boy do they mean business.
In reality, of course, ISIS is simply the toxic waste left over from the failed coup in Syria in 2011 during the Zionist (Arab) Spring of 2011.
When the CIA-Mossad had rounded up, radicalized, funded, armed and trained Syrian rebels to overthrow Assad in 2011, after the failed coup attempt, this group became rebels without a cause.
In Syria,
It is determined that the perfect use of this leftover rebel group is to create a new “terrorist threat.” The old villain, the fictional Al-Qaeda, has lost its cache anyway.
To show how serious the threat is, fake videos of ISIS “beheading” people are released. The videos, filmed in stunning HD, are full of blunders. One “victim” is caught on camera smirking just before the knife touches him.
The background is a green screen, which portrays a “desert.” (presumably because “terrorists” live in the “desert.”)
In reality, of course, the ISIS desert rebels are not capable of setting up a global terror network, only the CIA and Mossad are. ISIS are just guys with American jeeps and rifles who have been trained to be really angry that they could not overthrow Assad, and hate the “West” (Israel) and they want you to know about it.
Its not so hard to cross the Atlantic Ocean, when you have very wealthy friends.
“There is a lot of voter fraud… people don’t realize certain neighborhoods in particular, they bus people around to vote…They bus them around. They put em in a bus and they go pole site to pole site.”
Asked what kind of neighborhoods, Schulkin replies
“Oh I dont want to say.”
He is then asked, Oh like minority neighborhoods, like black neighborhoods, and Hispanic neighborhoods? Schulkin replies:
“Yeah. And Chinese too….For votes, more votes for themselves. Theyre all running for office.”
Then he is asked: And youre saying there is a lot of absentee ballot fraud too?
He replies:
“Oh, theres thousands of absentee ballots. I dont know where they came from.”
The exchange is shown in a video released by an investigative journalist group called Project Veritas. The video also reveals several other methods used as elections employees on hidden camera explain how offering vote by mail options is only done for people who register as democrats, how voter registration forms are ripped up and discarded.
The group publishes the video along with many others showing proof of vote fraud on the website.
A 2016 Russian security memo warns:
“The network of U.S. military-biological laboratories on the territory of states adjacent to Russia is being expanded.”
Russian Embassy press spokesman Yury Melnik states:
“Paragraph 19 of the [memo] mentions our concern related to the Pentagon’s bioactivities in neighboring countries…U.S. military professionals conduct research there.”
Melnik also pointed out that many although many laboratories are established in secret, they are funded by U.S. taxpayers. Laboratories have been secretly opened in Kazakhstan, Ukraine and dozens of other locations. He states:
“That is obviously concerning … There is absolutely no transparency in U.S. biological activity abroad. Mere involvement of the military personnel raises questions whether [the] U.S. government’s actions are consistent with the BWC.” (Bio-Weapons Convention).
“American and Georgian authorities are trying to cover up the real nature of this U.S. military unit, (Richard Lugar Centre in Tbilisi) which studies highly dangerous infectious diseases.”
“The Pentagon is trying to establish similar covert medico-biological facilities in other countries [in close proximity to Russia]”
Hillary is no more corrupt than any Marxist leader. She just got caught. All of the crimes and corruption exposed in the leaked emails are daily occurrences across the U.S.
Trump will be relentlessly attacked by the Zionist media around the clock every day of his presidency.
Perhaps the most shocking Zionist defeat in the 103 years they have ruled the U.S. A rigged election, mass voter fraud, illegals voting, machine ballot editing and a media onslaught, and they still lose.
Trump will work to slow the Communist onslaught in the U.S. but will have very few real accomplishments, as he remains unaware of who the enemy is.
Zionists are appointed to nearly every important post in the Trump cabinet. Many will be dismissed after they are revealed to be traitors, but many will remain and block him every step of the way.