But that’s not all. The Federal Reserve DOES NOT PAY INCOME TAXES on the profits they make.
Using his extensive influence over the government, Hamilton was able to get 13,000 troops sent in to crush the rebellion. This was an early example in the new nation of the Crown demonstrating its dominance over the U.S.
With the U.S. vulnerable after struggling to fund the war to deal with the debts it incurred, the central bankers were successful in re-chartering the bank. In 1816, the Second Bank of The United States was established. As before, a more appropriate title would have included the words London, British Crown, or Zionist, something which would have more accurately reflected its controllers.
Like the eventual Federal Reserve the bank is deceptively named and has the ability to create money out of thin air, loan it in to the economy at interest, and cause deliberate economic booms and busts.
The revolution is to be carried out by Marx’s “useful idiots,” who can be used as pawns. His movement is heavily promoted by media all over the world and “spontaneous” revolts break out all over Europe and South America. Although they don’t succeed right away, most nations have been poisoned by Marxist philosophy and will fall sooner or later. The U.S. remains free from Marxism until 1913 when a central bank will be finally re-established.
Under Kennedy’s successor, President Lyndon Johnson, another massive expansion of the federal government takes place. Known as the Great Society, many new programs are introduced which have never been necessary in the past, but serve the twofold purpose of expanding the national debt along with its interest payments to the central bankers, and trapping the program recipients in a condition of dependence on the state: Medicare, Mediciad, Food Stamps, Head Start, Federal aid to schools (which will also give the state control over education.)
After President Richard Nixon is forced from office, his successor Gerald Ford, selects Nelson Rockefeller, of the central banking Rockefeller family to be Vice President. Rockefeller comes with in 6 inches of being president of the United States, when a bullet misses Ford’s head by 6 inches in the second of two assassination attempts.
In preparation for another manufactured economic collapse, the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act is passed and signed into law by Clinton. This repeals provisions preventing commercial banks from gambling with depositors’ money.