“I can hypnotize a man—without his knowledge or consent—into committing treason against the United States….
The key to creating an effective spy or assassin rests in splitting a man’s personality, or creating a multiple personality, with the aid of hypnotism. . . This is not science fiction. . . I have done it.
Two hundred trained foreign operators, working in the United States could develop a uniquely dangerous army of hypnotically controlled Sixth Columnists.” 
-1943 statement by Zionist Dr. George Estabrooks, Rhodes Scholar, Freemason, Harvard graduate, hypnotist, Professor of Psychology at Colgate University

Nearly every mass shooting in U.S. history has been a CIA false flag operation, designed to manufacture public support for attacks on the Second Amendment and other civil rights infringements and enhanced surveillance of Americans.  
The Marxist revolution planned for the United States is far more difficult to accomplish with nearly 200 million people armed.   

The Zionist secret police have been perfecting mind control techniques for over a century, and creating “assassins” who can carry out any desired task under the control of handlers.

In almost every mass shooting, the truth about what has taken place briefly surfaces during the immediate aftermath of the event, and quickly vanishes, as the fake, pre-scripted media version of the events is repeated and droned thousands of times into the public consciousness until they forget what they witnessed and move on, accepting forever the fictional version of the event. 
In most cases, legislation attacking Second Amendment rights is drafted in advance of the mass shooting or shooting hoax, and then presented quickly while the public is still reeling under the propaganda storm.  
In most cases the shooters report hearing voices instructing them how to carry out the attacks. In some cases, the shooters state they are being followed, controlled, attacked with microwave weapons, direct energy weapons, are under CIA mind control, etc.
Examples include:

Nikolas Cruz, the Parkland, FL shooter "heard voices."

Surprise. The “shooter” was living with an intelligence agent.

Cruz of course, was not the real shooter, he was simply armed and placed at the scene as the patsy to be arrested and presented to the public.  It has long been determined through trial and error that shootings must be carried out by experts, to inflict the maximum number of casualties. 
By sending in only the mind control victim, who is often a scrawny, knock-kneed misfit, the shooting could easily be stopped by an adult simply overpowering him.  In the Parkland shooting, at least one shooter in full SWAT gear was seen by teachers using a weapon perhaps not even available to the public.   Students at the scene confirmed there were shooters coming up the stairs from both exits which trapped them on the second floor, forcing them to run into classrooms. Officers were caught on camera carrying something very heavy from the building.
Think about this. This interview with Stacy Lippel aired on ABC. It is one of the most alarming statements ever made on national TV, AND NOT A SINGLE REPORTER FROM ANY MAJOR NEWS OUTLET ASKED A FOLLOW UP QUESTION TO TEACHER STACY LIPPEL, about the armed officer in full riot gear mowing down school children with automatic weapons.  
Officers were seen on security camera removing a very large bag which took several officers to lift. The bag appeared contained one of the real shooters.  The media never asks a single question about what is being removed from the site.
And of course there were the preposterously pre-scripted and polished crisis actors such as David Hogg who has appeared in at least one other mass shooting production.

Washington Navy Yard shooter Aaron Alexis "heard voices."

 According to an ABC News report:
“Alexis called police in Newport, R.I., on Aug. 7 after he switched hotels three times because he heard voices in the walls and ceilings talking to him, trying to keep him awake, and he wanted to file a harassment report, according to police documents.
Alexis told police that he heard voices that he feared were “sending vibrations through his body” and were out to harm him, noting that he had gotten into an argument on a plane to Rhode Island and he was convinced the person he argued with had sent three people to follow him.
Alexis “stated that the individuals are using ‘some sort of microwave machine’ to send vibrations through the ceiling, penetrating his body so he cannot fall asleep,” officers wrote in the police report.
Police questioned Alexis about whether he had any prior mental issues or episodes and any family history of mental illness, but Alexis said he did not.”
Research into the use of microwave weapons and their use for mind control (psychotronics) began in 1950s at the Tavistock Institute.
In his book, The Search for the Manchurian Candidate The CIA and Mind Control, John Marks states:
“In December 1977, having gotten wind of the ORD programs, I filed a Freedom of Information request for access to ORD files “on behavioral research, including but not limited to any research or operational activities related to bio- electrics, electric or radio stimulation of the brain, electronic destruction of memory, stereotaxic surgery, psychosurgery, hypnotism, parapsychology, radiation, microwaves, and ultrasonics…The Agency wrote back six months later that ORD had “identified 130 boxes (approximately 130 cubic feet) of material…” 
In his book, Operation Mind Control, Walter Bowart states:      
“The testing of drugs by the CIA was just a part of the United States government’s top-secret mind-control project, a project which had spanned thirty-five years and had involved tens of thousands of individuals. It involved techniques of hypnosis, narco-hypnosis, electronic brain stimulation, behavioral effects of ultrasonic, microwave, and low-frequency sound, aversive and other behavior modification therapies.”
In her book Thanks For The Memories, Brice Taylor, a victim in the CIA Monarch mind control program states:


“…Various forms of electronic mind control systems were developed and introduced, namely, biomedical human telemetry devices (brain implants), directed-energy lasers using microwaves and/or electromagnetics.”
Julianne McKinney, author of Microwave Harrassment & Mind Control Experimentation, states:

   From what I have observed, first of all should explain the standard as I address this in this Microwave Harassment and Mind Control Experimentation there’s a pattern it was unfolding when I was doing these other Targeted Individuals that have contacted me. There is a pattern of harassment that is indicated. There has been some surveillance going on, some monitoring going on of their private lives. There has been entry into their houses. There has been systematic harassment, it is a softening up process and ultimately electronic harassment would follow which would include inducement of auditory input…”

Research into the use of microwave weapons and their use for mind control (psychotronics) began in 1950s at the Tavistock Institute.
In his book, The Search for the Manchurian Candidate The CIA and Mind Control, John Marks states:
“In December 1977, having gotten wind of the ORD programs, I filed a Freedom of Information request for access to ORD files “on behavioral research, including but not limited to any research or operational activities related to bio- electrics, electric or radio stimulation of the brain, electronic destruction of memory, stereotaxic surgery, psychosurgery, hypnotism, parapsychology, radiation, microwaves, and ultrasonics…The Agency wrote back six months later that ORD had “identified 130 boxes (approximately 130 cubic feet) of material…” 

In his book, Operation Mind Control, Walter Bowart states:      
“The testing of drugs by the CIA was just a part of the United States government’s top-secret mind-control project, a project which had spanned thirty-five years and had involved tens of thousands of individuals. It involved techniques of hypnosis, narco-hypnosis, electronic brain stimulation, behavioral effects of ultrasonic, microwave, and low-frequency sound, aversive and other behavior modification therapies.”
In her book Thanks For The Memories, Brice Taylor, a victim in the CIA Monarch mind control program states:
“…Various forms of electronic mind control systems were developed and introduced, namely, biomedical human telemetry devices (brain implants), directed-energy lasers using microwaves and/or electromagnetics.”
Julianne McKinney, author of Microwave Harrassment & Mind Control Experimentation, states:
   From what I have observed, first of all should explain the standard as I address this in this Microwave Harassment and Mind Control Experimentation there’s a pattern it was unfolding when I was doing these other Targeted Individuals that have contacted me. There is a pattern of harassment that is indicated. There has been some surveillance going on, some monitoring going on of their private lives. There has been entry into their houses. There has been systematic harassment, it is a softening up process and ultimately electronic harassment would follow which would include inducement of auditory input…”

Dayton, OH shooter Connor Betts "heard voices," instructing him how to carry out the attack.

Dallas, TX shooter James Boulware "heard voices."

Stockton, CA school shooter Patrick Purdy heard voices telling him to "do things."

A ban on more than 50 different types of firearms, the Roberti-Roos Assault Weapons Control Act of 1989 was passed as soon as Purdy killed 5 people in a school shooting in 1989.

Albequerque, NM warehouse shooter Waid Anthony Melton reports hearing voices.

The Pulse nightclub shooting hoax in Orlando was so clumsily faked, all information related to the event had to be scrubbed from the internet. 

Cast members for the TV show known as the Pulse Nightclub Shooting, including the shooter himself, were known actors.
Luis Burbano, an actor who appeared occasionally on Burn Notice, played himself.  Omar Mateen, the son of an undercover FBI operative, played himself, as the “shooter.”   Bjorn Jiskoot was riveting as “Christopher Hansen.”
Local news helicopter footage screwed up everything by showing the set trailers parked up the street.
Several victims with no blood are carried past the cameras in the wrong direction.   The producers, apparently eager to get a shot done, failed to consider that victims shot at the Pulse Nightclub would actually BE AT THE PULSE NIGHTCLUB and would have to be carried away from it, not toward it.
They may have also failed to consider that victims are not carried from shooting scenes by bystanders, (going where exactly?) they are treated by paramedics where they are found, especially when dozens of paramedics are at the scene in the footage.

Seattle Pacific University shooter Aaron Ybarra heard voices.

 A voice in his head told him:

“that I have to go to do a massacre or mass shooting somewhere in the public, but most likely at a college campus.”  

Fort Lauderdale airport shooter Esteban Santiago actually tells police he is under CIA mind control.

Esteban Santiago, after being arrested for the shooting deaths of 5 people at the Fort Lauderdale Airport, informs police that he is under a CIA mind control program.  Occasionally victims like Santiago who are supposed to have no memory of anything that happens while under hypnosis, recall events prior and during to being placed in this state.  Santiago had even reported to the FBI two months prior to the shooting, to inform them that he was being targeted by the CIA. Of course, nothing was done, as the CIA is not accountable to anyone in the U.S. 
Initial witness reports of multiple shooters vanish quickly down the memory hole.

Colorado Springs, CO church shooter Matthew Murray heard voices.

The Newtown, CT Sandy Hook Elementary was closed down years before the shooting hoax was staged.     

In by far the most botched mass shooting hoax of all time, the CIA evetually had to employ a JFK-style propaganda program to silence discussion and turn the phrase “Sandy Hook” into a form of slur or insult, so that anyone noticing the hundreds of problems with the official story would be immediately branded a wild conspiracy theorist who should be ostracized from society.   
In this slow motion train wreck of a TV production, cast members are placed in a school which has been closed down for asbestos and other problems since 2008.
The media begins reporting there is an active shooting inside a school.
The shooter is said to be Ryan Lanza. 
At some point the story shifts, and the shooter is said to be Adam Lanza, his younger brother. 
It is reported that a man was also said to be murdered at the Lanza home.  Later the story shifts, and it is said to be a woman, Adam’s mother Nancy Lanza.  First Nancy Lanza is said to be a teacher at Sandy Hook.  Later the story shifts and she is a substitute teacher; In fact she was neither, she was an employee at Morgan Stanley and Citigroup.
First the principal at Sandy Hook gave a statement to the press, describing all the shots being fired as fascinated reporters listened attentively.  Then it was reported the principal was killed in the shooting.  (Somehow after being killed, the principal managed to hold a press conference.)
An assault rifle was found in the trunk of a car, said to be driven the scene by Lanza, and footage is aired which shows officers remove the rifle from the car and hold it up for a photo-op.
Later it was reported that the rifle was weapon used by Lanza. 
It is also reported that Lanza had committed suicide in one of the classrooms, purportedly shooting himself in the back of the head.  How was he able to get the weapon he used back to the trunk of the car while dead?
Additional problems with the media version of the events include “parents” showing no grief on camera, being caught smiling and “getting into character” off camera, the lack of emergency personnel at the scene, the missing hundreds of schoolchildren at the scene, the cars all parked in the wrong direction in front of the school, the lack of urgency of the actors during the “live” shots, the  donation websites with creation dates that preceded the massacre, and government’s continuing refusal to release the death certificates and burial sites of the alleged victims, (there were none)  and the overall sloppiness of the entire operation.
Finally, when the evidence mounts to a point where the story is collapsing, the school is bulldozed and the remaining evidence destroyed.  Perhaps the most irrefutable piece of evidence is the internet archive which proves there was no activity on the schools website since the point when the school closed in early 2008.
The the press campaign to smear “Sandy Hookers” as doomsday prepping crackpots is employed, similar to the Obama “birther” campaign to conceal Obama’s foreign birthplace.
A month after the event, president Obama signs 23 executive orders placing new restrictions on the Second Amendment, in an effort to help disarm Americans for the revolution which is entering its final phases of preparation.

Aurora, CO movie theater shooter James Holmes said he heard voices in his head and had been "programmed."

Thornton, CO Wal-Mart shooter Scott Ostrem said he heard voices.

Ostrem had no idea what happened, or how it came about that he took a weapon and went and did the shooting.
His stepsister told police:
“When he came home, he was terrified. He had voices in his head. Demons. My brother was freaking out…My brother is not this monster, He is not cold blooded. He hears these voices. Honestly, in my heart, I believe there is only so much a person can take.”

Tallahassee, FL shooter Myron May reported hearing voices coming through the wall and stated that he was being followed by government agents who were using mind control weapons on him.

May who was a prosecutor, stated that he was one of many individuals the government was targeting and using these weapons against.  Weeks before the shooting, May even went to police and told them that agents were watching him through cameras planted in his apartment and talking to him and about him through the walls.

Police told him there was nothing they could do, and May responded that he planned to hire a private investigator and wanted his report documented. Notes in the police report state:
 “Myron believes that the police are after him and are bugging his phone and car, as well as placing cameras in his home and car.”
May even joined People Against Covert Torture & Surveillance, International  http://www.pactsntl.org/ a group for individuals being who have been targeted by Intelligence using these weapons.
May had told a friend in a voice message:
“I am currently being cooked in my chair. I devised a scheme where I was going to expose this once and for all and I really need you…I do not want to die in vain.”
In an email sent one hour before the shooting, he wrote:
“I’ve been getting hit with the direct energy weapon in my chest all evening. It hurts really bad right now.”

El Paso, TX witnesses saw several shooters dressed in SWAT gear, matching the witness descriptions of Parkland shooters. 

Witnessess at the scene all report mutiple shooters after at least 4 men in all black riot gear enter a Wal-Mart and moving in formation, shoot everyone in sight.  Once they leave the scene, the patsy is left standing, a boy named Patrick Crusius.
The media produces a preposterous CIA-written “manifesto,” which is nearly a Democrat party talking point list. It states that the Crusius had driven 10 hours from his home to do the shooting because he hated non-whites.  
Of course, his family is surprised to hear this, as they have never heard him say anything about race before.

All the calls coming in and eyewitness accounts report multiple shooters.

     Four Shooters

Washington, DC shooter Alexander Alazo heard voices.

All witness accounts on the day of the Las Vegas, NV shooting reported many shooters dressed as security officers running around at ground level shooting into the crowd.

No one had any idea there was a shooter firing from a window above, beacuse there probably wasn’t.
The media ignored all of the evidence and witness testimony, and attempted the usual method of chanting the mantra provided by the CIA thousands of times, claiming a “loner” named Stephen Paddock did the shooting from a window of a high-rise building nearby.  Paddock, who had claimed the CIA could “hack his brain and take over” was allegedly found dead in a room in the high-rise building.
To provide evidence for this version, CIA operatives break the windows out of two rooms in the building.    When the witness accounts continue to circulate days and weeks after the event, the most vocal witnesses are all killed by various methods.
 Attorney Brian Claypool was in the crowd that was attacked and states:
“I’m positive that I heard two different types of ammunition — like rounds of shots fired.”
The MGM Grand, who assisted in the massive cover-up of the event, paid nearly a billon dollars to victims in a settlement. The hotel is owned by Zionists Carl Icahn, John Paulson, David Bonderman, and Leon Black.  Though the media gave round the clock coverage for over week to the shooting hoax, almost no coverage is given to the settlement. 
As always the attacks on the Second Amendment inch forward, with a ban on bump stocks following the shooting.

Antioch, TN church shooter Emanuel Samson heard voices.

Samson he was calm and cooperative with authorities, and broke down in tears during questioning, seemed to have no idea what had taken place, and said he had no problems with any of the people he killed, but heard voices in his head and had visions, including one of the church he targeted. When questioned about the visions and voices, Samson’s responses were incoherent.

Gilroy, CA witnesses reported multiple shooters in military fatigues.

The list goes on forever, and is far to long to cover but they are all approximately the same:
  • A disgruntled male in his late teens or early twenties, but occasionally middle aged, usually white, is mad because brown people have dark skin, or because girls wont kiss him.
  • He pulls out a legally purchased gun that Democrats have been trying to ban for decades, goes to a fun place full of unsuspecting revelers or children, fires a few dozen rounds and gets shot by the police or shoots himself. 
  • If still alive, he reports hearing voices instructing him how to carry out the attack.
  • If dead, a comical CIA drafted “manifesto” emerges (something which no one ever, ever writes in the real world) detailing his disenchantment with his penis size or some list of grieveances which fall squarely in line with Marxist talking points.
  • Witnesses report there were several shooters in military gear.  They are never asked a question or heard from again. Often they are found dead.
  • Crisis actors read off poorly rehearsed scripts about what they saw, before being recognized as the same actor from a prior event.
  • Shooter has little to no online existence, usually one photo, one or zero social media accounts, no history anywhere, or a very limited, hastily assembled history on identity sites, and no one who knew him except one crisis actor who describes him as a “loner.”
  • Grandstanding Zionist-owned politicians take the stage to present the legislation their CIA handlers had crafted just prior to the event.
  • Media runs a 10-day propaganda blitz portraying gun rights as white supremacy.
  • The slowly advancing lava flow of infringement on the Second Amendment rights inches its way slightly forward.
  • Process is repeated.

During the next false flag shooting, pay attention to the details that emerge during the event, save screenshots of tweets from witnesses, videos, media reports, etc. All will vanish down the memory hole within a matter of days, except for a very narrow version of events, which all networks and outlets will publish, and which makes all of the lies they publish daily, sound true for a few days.
“Laws that forbid the carrying of arms. . . disarm only those who are neither inclined nor determined to commit crimes. . . Such laws make things worse for the assaulted and better for the assailants; they serve rather to encourage than to prevent homicides, for an unarmed man may be attacked with greater confidence than an armed man.”

— Thomas Jefferson in his Commonplace Book, 1776
The practice of using hypnosis and trauma based mind control is thousands of years old.  What are now called behavioral sciences include philosophy, metaphysics, logic, psychoanalysis, psychology, hypnosis, telepathy, parapsychology (scientific sorcery), psychiatry, and psychotherapy. 
Through practice and refinement, by conducting research funded with taxpayer money, intelligence agencies have been creating programmable assassins to carry out killings and other crimes which they may later have no memory of.
Many of these programmable assassins are taken at a very young age from orphanages, kidnapped off the street, or contributed by from “elite” bloodline families in a form of the ancient ritual of child sacrifice. Others are recruited at an older age if they are believed to have anti-social tendencies and a propensity for violence. The journey to mass shooter is much shorter and more cost-effective for these individuals.
By subjecting a victim to repeated trauma, such as electroshocks, the victim will often split off a personality, creating a new one or multiple new personalities which allows them to dissociate from the trauma and find a “safe space” to retreat to as a survival and coping mechanism.  A separate personality can be highly suggestible and follow commands unquestioningly
Using certain “trigger” words can cause a victim to switch between personalities instantly and behave in a completely different manner.
By the early 1970’s methods had been discovered to remotely attack and place a victim under hypnosis using direct energy high frequency. 
(Many people are shocked to learn the things the CIA has done behind closed doors.  It must be understood, “intelligence agencies” such as the CIA, MI6, Mossad, the KGB, etc were all created as Zionist secret police forces to help build world government, none have ever performed a single act for the benefit of the citizen populations of their respective countries.)
 In his book Operation Mind Control, Walter Bowart notes:
A number of related events during the 1940s demonstrated the extent of the government’s interest in hypnosis. Beyond changing beliefs, they sought ways to motivate people to commit acts which they would not commit in a nor- mal state.
Dr. Bernard C. Gindes wrote of an amnesia experiment he undertook for the U.S. Army in the late forties. “A soldier with only grade school education was able to memorize an entire page of Shakespeare’s Hamlet after listening to the passages seven times. Upon awakening, he could not recall any of the lines, and even more startling was the fact that he had no remembrance of the hypnotic experience. A week later he was hypnotized again. In this state, he was able to repeat the entire page without a single error.
In another experiment to test the validity of increased memory retention, five soldiers were hypnotized en masse and given a jumbled ‘code’ consisting of twenty-five words with- out phonetic consistency. They were allowed sixty seconds to commit the list to memory. In the waking state, each man was asked to repeat the code; none of them could. One man hazily remembered having had some association
with a code, but could not remember more than that. The other four soldiers were allowed to study the code con- sciously for another sixty seconds, but all denied previous acquaintance with it. During rehypnotization, they were in-
dividually able to recall the exact content of the coded message.
In 1947, J. G. Watkins induced criminal behavior in deeply hypnotized subjects during an army experiment. Watkins suggested a distorted view of reality to his subjects by inducing hallucinations which allowed them to avoid direct conflict with their own moral concepts. He carefully chose his suggestions to be in line with his subjects’ pre- existing motivational structures, and so was able to induce so-called antisocial behavior.
Watkins took a normal, healthy army private, a young man whose tests indicated a most stable personality, and put him in a deep trance. Though merely striking a superior officer is a court-martial offense in the army, Watkins       
wanted to see if he could get his subject to strangle a high- ranking officer.
After the subject was deep into trance, Watkins told him that the officer sitting across from him was a Japanese sol- dier who was trying to kill him. He must kill or be killed, Watkins suggested, and immediately the private leapt fero- ciously at the officer and grabbed him by the throat. In his waking state, the private would have been aghast at the thought of trying to strangle a superior officer. But under hypnosis, believing the officer was a dangerous Japanese soldier, the young private had to be pulled off his superior by three husky assistants. The officer came within a hairs- breadth of being strangled, as the young man was most persistent in his attempt to kill what he regarded as the enemy.
Watkins repeated this experiment with other subjects. The second time he used two officers who were good friends. One of them was given the hypnotic suggestion that the other was a Japanese soldier and that he must “kill or be killed.” The man who had received the command not only made a powerful lunge at his friend, but as he did, he whipped out and opened a concealed jack knife, which nei- ther the doctor, his assistants, nor his friend knew he had. Only the quick action of one of the assistants, who was a judo expert, prevented a potentially fatal stabbing….
The cryptocracy recruited their assassins from among people who had already demonstrated a violent nature, people who had few reservations about taking human life. No homicidal maniacs were recruited because they could not be controlled. The cryptocracy needed killers who would not murder on impulse, but only upon command.
Once selected, the assassin candidates were turned over to the military, where, under the guise of “combat readi- ness” training, they underwent a complete program of con- ditioning. Graduates of the program would forever after act with ruthless efficiency.
In July, 1975, the Sunday Times in London quoted a U.S. Navy psychologist who admitted that U.S. Naval Intelligence had taken convicted murderers from military prisons, conditioned them as political assassins, and then placed them in American embassies around the world. This admission came shortly after the Senate Intelligence Committee had scolded the CIA for plotting a number of political assassinations around the world. From the congres- sional reports, however, one got the feeling that the cryptocracy was being chastised not for the assassinations it had successfully accomplished, but for those which it had attempted, but failed.
According to the Sunday Times story, naval psychologist Lt. Comdr. Thomas Narut was assigned to the U.S. Regional Medical Center at Naples, Italy. When he first made public the navy’s part in programming assassins, he was attending a NATO conference in Oslo on “Dimensions of Stress and Anxiety.” In attendance at that conference were 120 psychologists of all descriptions and from many countries.
In the navy, Narut bragged, there were plenty of captive personnel who could be used as guinea pigs. In the navy there was a computerized record of each man’s background and psychological profile, so that a quick selection of men with suitable psychological inclinations for experiments could be made. Navy psychologists not only had access to computerized records, but also to psychological tests and background data on a large number of people. In the navy, Narut said, funds were plentiful, and there were no problems with transporting subjects for study to nearly any place in the world.
… Narut unfolded the amazing story of the navy’s programming of assassins on an assembly-line basis…
By the early 1970’s it has been determined that a victim could be placed under hypnosis remotely using high-frequency electromagnetic energy.    Artificial microwave voice-to-skull transmission was successfully demonstrated by researcher Dr. Joseph Sharp in 1973, and announced at a seminar at the University of Utah in 1974. 
In a 1975 paper “Microwaves and Behavior”  Dr. Don Justesen states:
“…Each plant or animal cell is an oscillatory system capable of transmitting and receiving high-frequency electromagnetic energy over a distance…Concerted biological investigations of radio-frequency energy first got underway in the United
States during the middle 1950s, largely through the aegis of the Department of Defense. Human beings can “hear” microwave energy….information can be encoded in the energy and “communicated” to the “listener.” Communication has in
fact been demonstrated. The capability of communicating directly with a human being by “receiverless radio” has obvious potentialities both within and without the clinic. But the hotly debated and unresolved question of how much microwave radiation a human being can safely be exposed to will probably forestall applications within the near future….What these scientists have discovered is that the central nervous system is a biological amplifier whose output as manifested in behavior provides a highly sensitive litmus of reactivity to electromagnetic energy.”

Technology has advanced significantly, of course, since the 1970’s.
Sub-millimeter microchips can be implanted into a target victim without the victim’s knowledge, and voice commands given directly, and victims can be placed under hypnosis remotely.
In 2002, the US Air Force Research Laboratory patented “a nonlethal weapon which includes (1) a neuro-electromagnetic device, which broadcast sound into the skull of persons or animals by way of pulse-modulated microwave radiation 
On March 18, 2008, the CIA responded in writing to a Larson Media Freedom of Information Act request. The document disclosed that the CIA’s use of biomedical intellectual property developed at the Alfred Mann Foundation, Second Sight LLC, Advanced Bionics, and under Naval Space Warfare (SPAWAR) contract #N6600106C8005, was “currently and
properly classified pursuant to an executive order in the interest of national security,” and applied to the CIA Director’s “statutory obligation to protect from disclosure, intelligence sources and methods.”  The technology, developed under the DARPA programs of Tony Tether, Col. Geoffrey Ling and N.I.H programs of William Heetderks, had been protected as a Defense “Special Access Program1” (SAP), which was the official terminology for a “black project.” The research had resulted in implantable devices that were millimeter and sub-millimeter in size, could be surreptitiously implanted (and had been fabricated in a manner that the devices could not be detected or localized by clinical medical or radiology techniques), and provided a shocking amount of surveillance capability regarding a subject’s activities, which might include visual and auditory biofeedback data. 
(Some may want to rethink accepting any mandatory vaccinations.)
Dozens of books provide first detailed first hand accounts from individuals formerly employed in the intelligence communities, from declassified U.S. Government documents, and from historical researchers and mental health practitioners knowledgeable in mind control, which expose the CIA assassin training programs including projects MONARCH, BLUEBIRD, ARTICHOKE, MKULTRA, MKDELTA, and others. Some of these books include the following:
(many can be found online in free PDF format.)